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  • BP's New Interactive Gas Pump
    I don't know about you, but I actually don't mind a little peace and quiet when I'm pumping gas. But with BP's latest development, going to the gas station may turn into a whole new interactive experience.
  • Commercial Gas Pump and its detailed working process
    Automobiles are one major source of transportation in today's world. Every individual has gone to the gas station at least once in his or her lifetime. But have you ever tried to know where the 18 wheelers and fleet vehicles gas up and how these commercial gas pumps work? Where does oil or gasoline
  • Application Note: Splitting Gas Detector Outputs for Monitoring & Process Control
    At a remote wastewater pumping station, Methane (CH4) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) are monitored with MSA X5000 Gas Monitors. The 4-20mA outputs must be split to a GasCard XL Controller and Emerson Ovation I/O. The Controller has powered inputs but the Ovation inputs require an external power source
  • Case Study: EC-300
    In this town was a small grocery and gas station setting on top of hill. One day a car comes over the hill and loses control running into a gas pump knocking and it over. The customers uprights the pump and fixes broken pipe at the pump and all is well. Customer then started pumping gas again

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