Products/Services for High Load Turnbuckles

  • Turnbuckles-Image
    Turnbuckles - (172 companies)
    ...for applications that have high strength-to-weight ratios and minimum turnbuckle diameters. They combine very high tensile strengths with ductility and corrosion resistance. Some cable turnbuckles are made of 304 or 316 stainless steel. Others use 1030...
  • Wire Rope and Mechanical Cable-Image
    Wire Rope and Mechanical Cable - (399 companies)
    ...direction. Guy wires support towers or antennas during high wind loads. Aircraft cables are used in tie-downs and fastener safety applications. Related Information. CR4 Community --Wear of Steel Wire Rope. Image credit: Bernard S. Jansen / CC BY-SA 2.5...
  • Electronic Loads and Load Banks-Image
    Electronic Loads and Load Banks - (124 companies)
    ...constant-voltage, constant-resistance, constant-power, and short circuit. Alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) outputs are usually characterized as high, low, or medium power. In terms of features, electronic loads and load banks may...
  • Load Cells-Image
    Load Cells - (407 companies)
    Load cells are force sensors that often incorporate mechanical packaging to fit into testing and monitoring systems. They can be used for tension, compression, and/or shear measurement, and can be configured to measure force or load along one...
  • Loading Arms-Image
    Loading Arms - (48 companies)
    Loading arms are used to load liquids into tanks, trucks, railcars, and other vehicles. They are commonly used in fueling and fluid transfer applications. Loading arms are available in a variety of sizes, lengths, and designs. Most are made...
    Load Centers - (47 companies)
    Load centers are used for the protection and distribution of power in a building or residence. They are also called circuit breaker boxes. Typically, load centers mount on a wall. Power from the mains enters the breaker box and is connected...
    Force and Load Sensors - (591 companies)
    Force and load sensors covers electrical sensing devices used to measure tension, compression, and shear forces. How to Select Force and Load Sensors. Image Credit: ABB Measurement Products. Force and load sensors are electrical sensing devices...
    Bulk Material Loaders and Unloaders - (359 companies)
    Bulk materials loaders and unloaders are used to fill and remove powders, granular substances and other bulk solids from bags, bins, boxes, carts, drums, hoppers, railcars, trucks, and silos. They often include solids feeders and break down clumps...
    High Vacuum Pumps - (109 companies)
    High and ultrahigh vacuum pumps operate efficiently in the high vacuum region and develop molecular flow for highly evacuated systems. High vacuum pumps provide evacuation of chambers or systems into the high vacuum (10-3 to 10-8 torr) or ultra-high...
    Network Load Balancers - (12 companies)
    ...high-traffic Web sites, data center serves, and database hosting servers. In Web load testing, network administrators use a Web server balancer to cycle each server request through a domain name system (DNS) address series. This approach works for most standard...

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