Products/Services for Laminar Flow Hood And Catalog

  • Fume Hoods-Image
    Fume Hoods - (268 companies)
    ...velocity in that it is a measurement of the amount of air flow required to achieve a laminar flow velocity of 100 feet per minute. General purpose fume hoods usually function with a hood face velocity of 100 fpm. Stronger fume hoods are available...
  • Flow Meters-Image
    Flow Meters - (1694 companies)
    ...meters, flow nozzles, laminar flow elements, orifice plates, Pitot tubes, rotameters, target meters, variable area flow meters, and Venturi tubes. Positive displacement flow meters divide the media into specific increments which can be counted...
  • Positive Displacement Flow Meters-Image
    Positive Displacement Flow Meters - (159 companies)
    Positive displacement flow meters measure the volume or flow rate of a moving fluid or gas by dividing the media into fixed, metered volumes. These devices consist of a chamber that obstructs the media flow and a rotating or reciprocating mechanism...
  • Workbenches and Workstations (Industrial)-Image
    Workbenches and Workstations (Industrial) - (659 companies)
    Industrial workbenches and industrial workstations are locations where personnel perform work. Products range from economy workbenches to cleanroom and electronic assembly benches.
  • Clean Benches-Image
    Clean Benches - (93 companies)
    ...such as: aerospace. bioscience. pharmaceutical production. food processing. Specifications. Laminar flow clean benches are work benches or similar enclosures that have their own filtered air supply. Laminar airflow is airflow in which the entire body...
    Sink Faucets - (335 companies)
    Sink faucets are fixtures for drawing or regulating the flow of a liquid, especially from a pipe. Image Credit: Watts. Sink faucets are fixtures for drawing or regulating the flow of liquid especially from a pipe. Faucets can be used in laboratory...
    Biological Safety Cabinets - (107 companies)
    Biological safety cabinets protect both the specimen and the user from biological contamination. Particulate-free air is passed down from the top of the hood, across the work surface, and then captured before entering a worker's breathing zone...
    Air Flow Sensors - (271 companies)
    Air velocity flow sensors measure air velocity or volume flow using insertion probes or capture hoods. Air flow sensors are inserted into a duct or pipe through an access hole to measure air velocity. In other instances a capture hood is used...
    Gas Flow Meters - (453 companies)
    Gas flow meters are used for measuring the flow or quantity of a moving gas in an enclosed pipe or passage. How to Select Gas Flow Meters. Image Credit: OMEGA Engineering Inc., Aalborg Instruments, Clark Solutions. Gas flow meters are used...
    Flow Switches - (346 companies)
    Flow switches are devices that monitor flow and send a trip signal to other devices, like a pump, for protection. These switches can be used for the measurement of gases, liquids, and steam. Flow switches can also be used to trigger an alarm...

Product News

Conduct Research

Purchasing laboratory equipment can be a difficult task. Especially when there are interchangeable terms of products; laminar flow, clean bench, fume hood, laminar flow hood. After a few minutes of browsing the internet, the lines begin to blur and things become less clear. So, what exactly...

Horizontal vs Vertical Laminar Flow Hoods...

While these ductless products can be used for a broad spectrum of laboratory uses, the benefits compared to a traditional total exhaust fume hood or laminar flow hood are often overlooked....

...preventive health measures, has created a situation demanding a change in the level of protection provided by equipment used in the pharmacy. The impact of the increasing burden placed upon the traditional preparation environment for parenteral products, that is open laminar flow hoods, can have...

HealthCare, Shawnee, Kan. Two years ago, the Bayer lab did all its sterility testing in a sterile cleanroom with a laminar flow hood for testing. While the setup worked well, the company saw an opportunity to upgrade its technology when the facility s manufacturing services program was expanded... prepatory work environments. Some have interpreted these guidelines simply to mean laminar flow hoods or "cleanrooms, " because these have been the conventional particulate-control technology for more than 40 years. Some states have taken steps to upgrade the quality of the environment in which IV...

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