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Supplier: ASTM International
Description: 1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in gaseous fuels. It is applicable to the measurement of H2S in natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), substitute natural gas, landfill gas, sewage treatment off gasses, recycle
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: 1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in gaseous fuels. It is applicable to the measurement of H2S in natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), substitute natural gas, landfill gas, sewage treatment off gasses, recycle
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: 1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in gaseous fuels. It is applicable to the measurement of H2S in natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), substitute natural gas, landfill gas, sewage treatment off gasses, recycle
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: 1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in gaseous fuels. It is applicable to the measurement of H2S in natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), substitute natural gas, landfill gas, sewage treatment off gasses, recycle
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Various industries will vent and flare gas, such as wastewater treatment, landfills, refining, oil & gas, etc.. The flare is burning off waste gases to protect the environment and equipment. Thermal Mass Flow Meters are a proven way for measuring that the flare system is operating as (read more)
Browse Flow Meters Datasheets for Eldridge Products, Inc. -
Various industries will vent and flare gas, such as wastewater treatment, landfills, refining, oil & gas, etc.. The flare is burning off waste gases to protect the environment and equipment. Thermal Mass Flow Meters are a proven way for measuring that the flare system is operating as (read more)
Browse Mass Flow Meters and Controllers Datasheets for Eldridge Products, Inc.
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Precision Air/Gas Flow Measurement Helps Turn Landfills into Green Electric Power Generators
A leading supplier of landfill gas extraction and recovery. systems located in the Midwest region of the US. relies on flow meters from Fluid Components International. (FCI) for gas flow measurements in landfills. The company. has developed hundreds of landfill gas system flares and. extraction
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Bookshelf and Unified Agenda > Environmental Protection Agency > Office of Transportation and Air Quality > AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factor...
Scott Environmental Technology, Methane and Nonmethane Organic Destruction Efficiency Tests of an Enclosed Landfill Gas Flare , April 1992.
Handbook of Solid Waste Management, Second Edition > LANDFILLING
Important Design Elements for Enclosed Ground-Level Landfill Gas Flares .
Methane Gas Utilization Project from Landfill at Ellery (NY)
Landfill Gas Flare Tip .
Well-to-Wheels analysis of landfill gas-based pathways and their addition to the GREET model.
TRC Environmental Corp., 2008, Emissions Testing of the Ward Hill Neck Landfill Enclosed Landfill Gas Flare and Landfill Gas Engine, prepared for Covanta Haverhill, Inc., Windsor, CT, TRC project no. 158673-0000-00000, July 21.
Global Warming
The operation principle of landfill gas flare is simple; LFG is ignited by bringing it into contact with a supply of air.
Solid Waste Technology and Management
This is therefore a main operational issue in landfill gas flaring .
Countries > Canada > Province of British Columbia > Regulations > Environmental Management Act > [CANADA BC Reg 2008-391] Regulation 391/2008 - Landfill Gas Ma...
(v) landfill gas flaring equipment, and .
Federal Register > Tuesday, October 5, 2010 > [75 FR 61369] Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan; Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Manageme...
This revision concerns emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOX) from the landfill gas flare at the Kiefer Landfill in Sacramento, California.
Bookshelf and Unified Agenda > Environmental Protection Agency > Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards > Emission Inventory Improvement Program - Techni...
For estimates of the amount of landfill gas flared , data may be available from directly contacting landfill operators or should be estimated on the basis of flaring equipment capacity.
• A requirement that almost all landfills be covered and the landfill gas flared or used to produce electricity and heat as the economics warrant.