Supplier: Inductotherm Group
Description: Electromagnetic Cold Crucible (EMCC) is an innovative process utilizing a segmented water-cooled copper crucible for refractory-free induction melting, while under vacuum or controlled atmosphere. Melting in a water-cooled copper crucible eliminates the possibility of
Supplier: Inductotherm Group
Description: Electrode VIM systems are the largest VIM systems with heat sizes ranging from 5 tons to 30 tons. Electrode VIMs typically pour several electrode mold setups which could be as much as 5 meters (16.4 feet) in length. Features Rugged steel shell induction furnace
- Application: Foundry / Melting
- Atmosphere: Vacuum
- Heat Source / Transfer: Induction
Supplier: Inductotherm Group
Description: Smaller VIM furnaces are commonly used to start a company in the business of producing vacuum induction melted materials, or for research and development efforts into new alloys and processes. A wide variety of configurations are available to match customer requirements. Features
- Application: Foundry / Melting
- Atmosphere: Vacuum
- Heat Source / Transfer: Induction
Supplier: Inductotherm Group
Description: Power Window Ladle Systems combine the mobility, strength and refining flexibility of a steel ladle with the melting power, stirring action, and precise temperature control of an induction furnace. Using our Power Window Technology (PWT), the magnetic field produced by the
- Application: Foundry / Melting
- Heat Source / Transfer: Induction
Supplier: Trent, Inc.
Description: Used for heat treating small quantities of material, ash determination, melting of white metal and for thermocouple calibration. TRENT Pit or Crucible furnaces have heating elements wound on a spiral form. The cover can be drilled for insertion of a thermometer or thermocouple.
- Application: Foundry / Melting, Heat Treating, Other
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading
- Controller Type: Single Set Point
Supplier: Trent, Inc.
Description: Maximum Temperature: 1000°F / 538°C Used to melt aluminum and zinc. TRENT Aluminum and Zinc Melting Furnaces are specially designed for these hard-to-handle metals. The pots are fabricated from 1-1/4" thick steel using welded steel construction. TRENT
- Application: Foundry / Melting
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading
- Controller Type: Single Set Point
Supplier: Trent, Inc.
Description: PCT Series Maximum Temperature: 600°F / 316°C LRT Series Maximum Temperature: 800°F / 427°C TRENT Solder and Tinning Troughs answer the demand for heavy-duty equipment capable of precision control. These troughs all employ the same basic design regardless of their size or type of usage. The heavy
- Application: Foundry / Melting
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading, Other
- Controller Type: Single Set Point
Supplier: Trent, Inc.
Description: Maximum Temperature: 1000°F / 538°C Used to melt lead and babbitt. TRENT Stationary Melting Pots - MT Series are fabricated from 1/2" thick steel or heavier using welded steel construction. TRENT Folded and Formed® heating elements are mounted to
- Application: Foundry / Melting
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading
- Controller Type: Single Set Point
Supplier: Aremco Products, Inc.
Description: Aremco offers a complete line of electric box furnaces from .1 to 7.5 cubic feet for applications to 2350 °F. All furnaces are ruggedly constructed and energy efficient, and a wide range of temperature controls are offered for every type of use. Custom features and sizes are also
- Application: Annealing, Foundry / Melting, Heat Treating, Laboratory
- Configuration: Box
- Controller Type: Single Set Point, Programmable
- Heat Source / Transfer: Electric / Resistance
Supplier: L&L Kiln Mfg. Inc.
Description: Handheld DynaTrol with Dynamic Zone Control, 4 preset programs, 6 user defined programs
- Application: Aging, Annealing, Brazing / Soldering, Burn-off, Curing, Firing / Sintering, Foundry / Melting, Heat Treating, Preheating
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading
- Controller Type: Programmable
Supplier: L&L Kiln Mfg. Inc.
Description: The Easy-Load Professional-Grade Front-Loading Kiln meets the needs of schools, studios and potters who need a well-built easy-to-load cone 10 kiln. The proven technology of the Dyna-Trol Program Control automates the firing process. The even element spacing and built in standard zone control ensure
- Application: Aging, Annealing, Brazing / Soldering, Burn-off, Curing, Firing / Sintering, Foundry / Melting, Heat Treating, Preheating
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading
- Controller Type: Programmable
Supplier: L&L Kiln Mfg. Inc.
Description: L&L Kiln Mfg., Inc. announces the development of a line of large industrial-grade Bell-Lift kilns designed for industrial ceramics and other industrial applications. The first model is 100 cubic feet (66" wide by 48" deep by 54" high). Larger and smaller models can be built. The kiln reaches 2350°F
- Application: Aging, Annealing, Brazing / Soldering, Burn-off, Curing, Firing / Sintering, Foundry / Melting, Heat Treating, Preheating
- Atmosphere: Air / Oxidizing
- Configuration: Top Loading
- Controller Type: Programmable
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controlled atmosphere furnace technologies for the processing of metals, specialty alloys, and engineered materials. Those vacuum furnace technologies include: Vacuum Arc Remelting Furnaces (VAR) Electroslag Remelting Furnaces (ESR) Vacuum Induction Melting furnaces (read more)
Browse Vacuum Furnaces Datasheets for Inductotherm Group -
From small capacity precision casting operations to the largest induction melting foundry, Inductotherm Group companies manufacture the furnace that is right for you. Heavy Steel Shell Furnaces: Our Heavy Steel Shell furnaces combine the exceptional strength of a (read more)
Browse Furnaces (industrial) Datasheets for Inductotherm Group -
ISM is a method of melting metals in a segmented, water-cooled copper vessel, under vacuum or controlled atmosphere in an induction coil. Advantages • For reactive metals which cannot be melted in a refractory crucible due to metal/crucible reactions, ISM offers (read more)
Browse Furnaces (industrial) Datasheets for Inductotherm Group -
Standard designs are available and Consarc also welcome the opportunity to design a specific furnace to meet individual customer requirements and applications. The design utilizes a water-cooled vacuum chamber, providing optimum access for cold charging and servicing in a batch mode of (read more)
Browse Vacuum Furnaces Datasheets for Inductotherm Group -
costs, increase productivity and enhance safety at your foundry or melt shop. Inductotherm products include a complete line of: Coreless Induction Melting Furnaces Crucible Melting Furnaces Holding Systems Automated Pouring Systems ARMS® (read more)
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is specially designed to satisfy the Indian market requirements, and offers an outstanding performance for steel melting in coreless induction (read more)
Browse Refractory Shapes Datasheets for Saint-Gobain Performance Ceramics & Refractories -
induction melting furnace. The molten alloy is either poured into a mold, onto a chill plate, or processed in a strip caster – a device that forms a thin, continuous metal strip. These cured metal “chunks” are crushed and pulverized to form a fine powder ranging from 3 to 7 microns in (read more)
Browse Industrial Magnets Datasheets for Arnold Magnetic Technologies -
, the crucible remains intact. It can be used for alloy melting, rare earth and ceramic sintering, and electron beam evaporation coatings. It is commonly used in thermal (read more)
Browse Industrial Ceramic Materials Datasheets for Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. -
steel alloys are melted in an induction furnace or other suitable melting equipment. The choice of stainless steel alloy depends on the specific requirements of the final part, such as corrosion resistance, strength, and heat resistance (read more)
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X-ray Diffraction Study and Texture Evolution for a Ti-Nb-Ta Biomedical Alloy Processed by Accumulative Roll Bonding
The alloy composition Ti-25Nb-25Ta (wt.%) was obtained from commercially pure elements, using a levitation induction melting furnace FIVE CELES—MP25 with a nominal power of 25 kW and a melting capacity of 30 cm3 , under argon protective atmosphere.
Microstructure evolution of directionally solidified Ni–43Ti–7Al alloy during heat treatment
Master ingots were made from pure elements (99.76 wt% Ti, 99.98 wt% Ni, and 99.99 wt% Al) in a vacuum induction levitation melting furnace under argon atmosphere.
Microstructural characteristics of directionally solidified Ni–43Ti–7Al alloys
Master ingot (5 kg) was made from pure elements (99?76 wt-%Ti sponge, 99?98 wt-%Ni and 99?99 wt-%Al) in a vacuum induction levitation melting furnace under argon atmo- sphere.
Texture Evolution in a Ti-Ta-Nb Alloy Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation
The investigated Ti-25Ta-25Nb (wt.%) alloy was produced from commercially pure elements using a levitation induction melting furnace FIVE CELES—MP25 (Fives Group, Lautenbach, France) with nominal power 25 kW and melting capacity .
Effect of casting temperature on microstructure in a directionally solidified Ni-44Ti-5Al-2Nb-1Mo alloy
… of Ni-44Ti-5Al-2Nb-1Mo (at.%) alloy were prepared by using Ti (99.76%), Ni (99.98%), Al (99.99%), Nb (99.87%) and Mo (99.90%) of commercial purity in a vacuum induction levitation melting furnace under argon atmosphere.
High Temperature Oxidation of the Al3 Mg2 Complex Metallic Alloy
Ingots of about 30 g were produced using a levitation induction melting furnace in a water-cooled copper crucible under protective Ar atmosphere.
1995 Index IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Vol. 31
levitation - melting induction furnace , expt./anal.
Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico Facilities and Safety Information Document [NOTE: Volume I, Chapters 2 through 5]
• Levitation melting furnace • Induction heating apparatus .
The cast Ti-47.5Al-2.5V-1.0Cr alloys was smelted in a vacuum cold crucible induction levitation - melting furnace and cast into an investment ceramic mould to produce 100×80×10 mm3 plain plates for mechanical property experiment and φ135mm turbocharger for …
Advances in Materials and Materials Processing
The cast Ti-47.5Al-2.5V-1.0Cr alloys was re-melted in a vacuum cold crucible induction levitation - melting furnace and cast into an investment ceramic mould to produce 100×80×10 mm3 platy specimens.