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  • Using CORBA to integrate manufacturing cells to a virtual enterprise
    The cell management activities include scheduling, tracking , and job dispatching to the shop floor. The cell management software and machine operators need access to design and planning data.
  • The use of agents and objects to integrate virtual enterprises
    The cell management activities include scheduling, tracking , and job dispatching to the shop floor. The cell management software and machine operators need access to design and planning data.
  • The use of software agents and distributed objects to integrate enterprises: Compatible or competing technologies?
    The cell management activities include scheduling, tracking , and job dispatching to the shop floor. The cell management software and machine operators need access to design and planning data.
    Oil maintenance is job No. 1,” he said. Maintenance software for oil and lu- brication products does the following: offers best practices for machine lubri- cation; performs scheduling tasks and … … specs for each machine in the shop ; consolidates the number of … … oversees lubri- cation equipment tracking ; incorporates oil disposal and …
  • Cutting Tool Engineering, April 2011: Take Back Time
    With jobs we’ve transferred to the a92, we’re typically seeing a 50 percent reduction in the number … The shop also tracks spindle utilization through “Pulse” machine monitoring software from Lemoine Multinational Technologies Inc. “ .
  • Westec 2000: Kennametal Debuts Re-Invented Tool Dispenser
    The ToolBoss uses Automated Tool Management Software (ATMS) that lets tracks tool consumption and can limit access to tooling by machine , job , or user. The system is compatible with shop -floor networking and EDI systems, and can be expanded to handle …
  • Westec 2001: Kennametal’s new turning inserts, tool management system and services
    ToolBoss limits access to tools by job , machine and/or user, while providing comprehensive tracking and reporting capability. ToolBoss and ATMS software are compatible with shop -floor networking and EDI, and the system is expendable to facilitate implementation of a comprehensive enterprise tool management system.
  • Fully-automatic annotation of scene vidoes: Establish eye tracking effectively in various industrial applications
    … of customers, users and employees in order to improve user experience, workplace safety, customer and job satisfaction. Typical application fields are amongst others: car driving, machine operation, safety and ergonomics in the workplace, orientation in multi-storey car parks, and shop usability. To the best of our knowledge, our software is the first one providing a fully-automatic video analysis of gaze recordings based on object recognition and tracking algorithms.
  • South-Tec2000: Software Monitors Every Machine in Your Plant
    Developed in conjunction with and for Turnamics, an Ashville, NC-based job shop , the software will expose operating inefficiencies and bottlenecks, determine machine performance, and operator skills. Typical operating characteristics that are tracked in real time and recorded: .
  • Realtrac Featured Expanded Multi-media Shop Floor Documentation at IMTS 2000.
    Realtrac, the real-time ERP shop management software , which integrates with two of the most popular Windows based accounting programs, Peachtree and QuickBooks, has now enhanced its long established multimedia capability for ISO 9002 tracking and quality requirements. … tracks can be transferred into Realtrac's multi-media library and linked directly to job router operations to … … interactive bar code data collection system continuously updates in real time job schedules, machine loads and job …