Supplier: Anton Paar
Description: The automatic Pensky-Martens closed-cup tester measures the flash point at the lowest temperature at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a sample to ignite. PMA 5 is suitable for flammability applications on both biodiesel and biodiesel-blended fuels along with
- Property Analyzed: Flash Point / Flammability
- Tested Fuel: Aviation / Jet Fuel, Butane, Coal, Diesel / Biodiesel, Fuel Oil, Gasoline, Natural Gas / Methane, Propane
- Tester Features: Supports Biofuel?, Supports Fuel Blend?
Supplier: Haida International Equipment Co., Ltd.
Description: horizontal or verticalby using the required sizeof the Bunsen burner (Bunsen burner)and the specific gas source(methaneor natural gas). The ignition of bedding under the hot combustion duration and the specimen is ignited to assess its combustion. Automatic combustion tester suits for
- Display & Special Features: Digital Readout
- Property Analyzed: Other
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: in the infrared wavelength region. The detection limits as well as specific target contaminants for this standard were selected based upon those set forth in SAE TIR J2719. 1.2 This test method allows the tester to determine which specific contaminants for hydrogen fuel impurities that
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: in the infrared wavelength region. The detection limits as well as specific target contaminants for this standard were selected based upon those set forth in SAE TIR J2719. 1.2 This test method allows the tester to determine which specific contaminants for hydrogen fuel impurities that are
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A New Technique Of Determining The Methane Content In-Situ - Document Summary
However, the direct method of determining methane content of coals developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines is time and labor consuming for measurement, a new transportable methane tester was developed for Japanese coal mines.
Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wörterbuch GeoTechnik
… by methane with air] ● Schlagwetter f, schlagende Wetter firedamp accumulation, accumulation [In coal mining, firedamp that collects in higher parts of mine workings and at the edge of wastes] ● Schlagwetteransammlung f, Schlagwetteranha¨ufung firedamp detector, methane tester , carburet(t)ed hydrogen …
A generalized virial equation of state derived from experimental data
… investigators, Although the compressibility data of various investigators generally correlate well, the calculated property values show a greater variation and in some cases a very definite disagreement [for example the low temperature Aho val- ues for methane of Tester (15),Figure 31.
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Application of Wireline Conveyed Through Casing Formation Tester to Methane Hydrate Research in Japan.
Cased Hole Formation Connectivity Investigation Aids in Completion and Production Optimisation: Offshore Malaysia Field
Application of Wireline Conveyed Through Casing Formation Tester to Methane Hydrate Research in Japan, the 11th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, October 5-6, .
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Application of wireline conveyed through casing formation tester to methane hydrate research in Japan,” in 11th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, Paper F, Oct. 5–6, 2005.
Formation Testing, Completion Integrity Evaluation and Geomechanical Applications Using a Wireline Cased-Hole Formation Tester
Application of Wireline Conveyed Through Casing Formation Tester to Methane Hydrate Research in Japan, The 11th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, October 5-6, 2005 6.
Evaluation of Experiment Program 2004: Natural Hydrate Exploration Campaign in the Nankai-Trough Offshore Japan
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Reactions at supercritical conditions: Applications and fundamentals
A model for methane (Webley and Tester , 1991) underpre- dicted methane conversions.
of increased methane fuel use ( Tester , Drake et al., 2005).