Supplier: U.S. Plastic Corporation
Description: Each double-headed implement has two different tool heads, effectively offering twice the number of tools in one versatile kit. Tool heads comes with 2 small spoons that are used to collect and transport dry substances or liquids. Also comes with 8 flat spatulas of different sizes that are
Supplier: Cole-Parmer
Description: • Reduce cross-contamination • Use as a disposable spatula, stir rod, or policeman Disposable polypropylene (PP) spatulas are ideal for chemical and biological material transfer, collection, and manipulation. Spatulas features both a scoop end and a spatula end. The
Supplier: Cole-Parmer
Description: • PTFE coating is ideal for handling chemicals PTFE-coated ends provide an inert surface for handling chemicals—prevents loss due to sticking. Coating is FDA compliant for direct food contact applications. Stainless steel rod with one flat, rounded end; ends measure 5/16" (0.8 cm) W x 2" (5.1 cm)
Supplier: Cole-Parmer
Description: • PTFE coating is ideal for handling chemicals PTFE-coated ends provide an inert surface for handling chemicals—prevents loss due to sticking. Coating is FDA compliant for direct food contact applications. Stainless steel rod with one flat, rounded end; ends measure 5/16" (0.8 cm) W x 2" (5.1 cm)
Supplier: Cole-Parmer
Description: • PTFE coating is ideal for handling chemicals PTFE-coated ends provide an inert surface for handling chemicals—prevents loss due to sticking. Coating is FDA compliant for direct food contact applications. Stainless steel rod with one flat, rounded end; ends measure 5/16" (0.8 cm) W x 2" (5.1 cm)
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: This specification covers the general requirements for the components that comprise the apparatus used for the weighing and drying operations in the laboratory practice of microchemical analysis. The components covered here are the following: combustion boats; weighing bottles, cup, and tubes;
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Cole Parmer stainless steel micro spatula set from Cole-Parmer
Cole Parmer stainless steel micro spatula set (Representative photo only .
Current Laboratory Methods in Neuroscience Research
… N, N′-bis[2- ethanesulfonic acid] (PIPES) solution and Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS) with digestive enzyme (e) Neurobasal A medium and Neurobasal A with B27 supplement (f) Surgical tools including scissors, ron- geurs, forceps, scalpel, micro spatula , and hemostats (g) Isoflurane …
Analysis of surgical intervention populations using generic surgical process models
The micro spatula was not used at all in inpatient interven- tions.
Rapid sequencing and disulfide mapping of peptides containing disulfide bonds by using 1,5‐diaminonaphthalene as a reductive matrix
The mixture of insulin and matrix powder was applied to a MALDI sample target with a micro spatula and a glass rod of ca 2 mm diameter or a ringcap glass capillary (o.d. 1 mm, i.d. 0.47 mm).
Identification of surgeon–individual treatment profiles to support the provision of an optimum treatment service for cataract patients
The utilization of the different surgical instruments, micro spatula and colibri tweezers to hold the Bulbus oculi, by surgeon no. 3 is also visible in the analysis’ results.
http://www.stemcell.com/~/media/Technical Resources/B/5/0/C/E/29548 PIS110pdf.pdf?la=en
● Remove lid and release the gel from the walls of the petri dish by rimming with a thin plastic pipette tip or micro spatula .
Degradation of Untreated Switchgrass Biomass into Reducing Sugars in 1-(Alkylsulfonic)-3-Methylimidazolium Brönsted Acidic Ionic Liquid Medium Under Mild Condi...
Ground switchgrass (0.030 g, particle size 0.7 mm) was added to 0.300 g of ionic liquid and thoroughly mixed with a micro spatula for 2 min, and the closed vial was allowed to stand at room temperature for 24 …
Micro spatula L 6 5/8 in., stainless steel, rod diam. 0.09 in. | Sigma-Aldrich
• Z243213 - Micro spatula .
SMART SPATULA Disposable Anti static Micro Spatula Opaque 140 mm from Cole-Parmer
SMART SPATULA Disposable Anti static Micro Spatula Opaque 140 mm (Representative photo only .
Characterization of Three Samples Taken from the Off Gas System of DWPF Melter One
The larger particles were easily broken with a micro spatula into smaller particles.