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  • On the Birds of Sibthorp's ‘Fauna Græca.’
    E’rederick Holme, who appears to have had the principal share in naming the plates , was a Medical Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
  • The epithelium corpuscles by Tetanie and by some other diseases
    The names of main cells summarize the plate epithelium cell darstel] but we claim daB wirkliehe it kSnnen t, wit in this stage yon iibrigen main cells noeh nieht nnterseheiden kSnnen ebensowenig IIauptzellen in the Epithelk6rperehen to oxyphilen cells will say it …
  • Handbook of Power Systems Engineering with Power Electronics Applications 2nd Edition Complete Document
    For the principal terms of the ratings, the specification on the name - plate includes physical weight and dimensions, cooling practices, winding connections, insulation level, maximum temperature rise, excitation method, and so on.
  • Handbook of Power System Engineering
    For the principal terms of the ratings, the specification on the name - plate includes physical weight and dimensions, cooling practices, winding connections, insulation level, maximum temperature rise, excitation method, and so on.
  • Of Rock ' n ' Roll to Hip-Hop
    "Techno" as generic term for electronic music derives of the Frankfurter lovers of music and genre-pioneer it called Techno that Andres's Tomalla with the artist name "Talla 2 XCL" that … … own category in its plate shop in the Frankfurter central station.
  • Preservative License Plate De-identification for Privacy Protection
    Unlike previous de-identification methods that pay little attention to the image quality preservation, our method, named inhomogeneous principal component blur (IPCB), adaptively blurs different pixels of a license plate by taking into account the prior distribution of sensitive information.
  • Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
    6 Â 6 plates being exposed in the National Geographic/Palomar Observatory Sky Survey ( named for its principal financial supporter and for the Palomar Schmidt telescope where all the plates were exposed).
  • CATIA V5 - basic course for machine farmers
    Storage of the component  In the main menu line the function file > attachment under selection and the component with the name distance plate .