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Conduct Research Top

  • Chilled Mirror Hygrometry, a Technology for Process and Lab
    Of all the instrumental methods for measuring the water vapor content of gases, chilled mirror hygrometry (CMH) is one of the most useful owing to its inherent accuracy, unparalleled wide dynamic range, ease of operation, and low maintenance.
  • A Satellite in Hot Water
    A critical satellite processing facility that Space Coast Launch Services is contracted to maintain had an issue with the hot water feeding the HVAC environmental control. The predictive maintenance team helped the technicians to determine the source of the leak using thermography. The infrared
  • Abbott Revives UV for Purified Water Pretreatment
    ) that ?pasteurized? Lake Michigan feedwater at 250 o F through steam and chilled water heat exchangers. The elaborate process required multiple sanitizations per week and added complexity to operations, and contamination issues persisted. ?We needed to do something,? says Jose Rodriguez, P.E., Abbott?s energy
  • Project Report: Ice is the Answer for Interpolymer Corporation
    The system makes ice between 9:00 PM and 8:00 AM. During the day, cold water from the (2) TSU-940D. Thermal Storage Units is distributed through two. heat exchangers to supply low-temperature water. for process loads and comfort cooling needs. The. office system uses heating and ventilating units
  • Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre Resolves Maintenance Problem and Reduces Energy Consumption (.pdf)
    was compromised, as were the process medical loads which, with the major air handlers required to ventilate the building, are part of the chilled water systems load.
  • An Exhaust Solution for Controlled Environments
    makeup air. This process works the same way for chilled air. By some estimates, mixed-flow impeller exhaust systems with heat exchanger coils save about 3% of energy costs for each 1 F rise in recovered heat; similar, but not quite as dramatic, savings are realized for cooling applications. Systems
  • Maximizing Uptime for Mission-Critical Manufacturing Units
    to determine the proper level of redundancy required. Pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities can have very high internal heat loads. The most energy intensive equipment includes air handling units, water-cooled chillers, cooling towers, chilled and heating water systems, pure water systems, steam systems
  • A Risk-Based Approach to Energy Conservation
    being developed by ASHRAE. Use cogeneration/combined heat and power Improve central utilities such as chilled water, steam and compressed air Make your HVAC more efficient Tune-up, trend and optimize building automation systems (BAS) Use microenvironments such as isolators to reduce consumption Reclaim

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