Products/Services for Quartz Hollow Shape

    Quartz Tube and Rod - (36 companies)
    Quartz tube and rod are hollow or solid stock shapes of fused quartz materials. They are used in laboratories, semiconductors, sight glasses, and level gages. Quartz tubes and rods are also used in X-ray tube, optical, lamp, pharma, vacuum tube stem...
  • Refractory Shapes-Image
    Refractory Shapes - (212 companies)
    Refractory shapes include recasted, preformed or sintered refractory products that are formed prior to installation in furnaces, boilers or other high temperature equipment. Refractory shapes include precast cement and fused or sintered refractory...
    Silica, Quartz, and Silicate Materials - (175 companies)
    How to Select Silica, Quartz and Silicate Materials. Silica, quartz and silicate materials include fused silica, quartz, kaolin or clay-based materials, cordierite, steatite, forsterite, sillimanite, zircon, porcelain, and fireclay. They are based...
  • Balls and Sphere Shapes-Image
    Balls and Sphere Shapes - (207 companies)
    ...resistance is required. Examples of applications that require non-ferrous balls and sphere shapes include: chemical. paper. textile. food. pharmaceutical. Hollow aluminum and stainless steel balls and sphere shapes are used for float applications...
  • Glass Tube and Rod-Image
    Glass Tube and Rod - (65 companies)
    Image Credit: Technical Glass Products, Inc. - OH. Glass tube and rod are hollow or solid stock shapes of fused silicate materials. They are used in laboratory, sight glass, level gage, X-ray tube, optical, lamp, pharma, vacuum tube stem assembly...
    Tubing - (2399 companies)
    Tubes are hollow cylinders used for fluid transport, structural applications, or electrical sheathing. They are usually cylindrical in shape, but may have round, rectangular, or square cross-sections. Tubing or tubes are hollow cylinders used...
    Crystals - (468 companies)
    Crystals are naturally occurring materials that can be induced to resonate (vibrate) at an exact frequency. Quartz, a piezoelectric crystal that provides excellent mechanical and electrical stability, acquires a charge when compressed, twisted...
    Zinc and Zinc Alloys - (122 companies)
    ...and copper alloys (lower cost) in structural and pressure-tight applications. Also, zinc 's low melting point allows for lower energy requirements when casting. Wrought alloys are obtained as various shapes and exhibit good resistance to corrosion...
    Plugs, Stoppers, and Inserts - (416 companies)
    Plugs, stoppers and inserts fit into holes or cavities and are designed for the ends of shafts, tubes, pipes, fittings, connectors, screws, bars, or other shapes. Plugs, stoppers, and inserts fit into holes or cavities and are designed for the ends...
    Industrial Ceramic Materials - (407 companies)
    ...into various shapes. Although the mechanical properties of machinable ceramics are less than those of engineering ceramics, machinable products do not require firing or grinding after machining. Porous ceramics have many open or closed internal pores...

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Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
3X Ceramic Parts Company Limited
Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Suntech Applied Materials (Hefei) Co.,Ltd