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Products/Services for Racal Acoustics Headsets

  • Headsets-Image
    Headsets - (245 companies)
    How to Select Headsets Headsets are designed to hold earphones to a user’s head for radio or telephone communications. They include transducers and a transmitter, and are designed to receive audible signals from a source...
    Virtual Reality Software - (59 companies)
    Virtual Reality Software is used to drive virtual reality headsets to generate images, sounds and sensations to simulate an imaginary environment. The ability to be fully immersed and transported to another place via virtual reality opens up...
    Stethoscopes - (14 companies)
    ...arteries, blood flow, and intestines. When used with a sphygmomanometer, it is often used for measuring blood pressure. A stethoscope consists of 3 basic pieces: the headset (this includes ear tips and an ear tube), tubing (which connects the headset...
  • Audio Headphones-Image
    Audio Headphones - (118 companies)
    ...audio headphones, headsets and ear buds use wires to receive an electrical signal from a transmitter. As the current through an electromagnet varies with the signal, the headphone diaphragm vibrates in response. Wireless headphones are cordless...
  • Specialty Microscopes-Image
    Specialty Microscopes - (213 companies)
    Specialty microscopes are designed for specific applications such as metallurgy or gemology. They use specialized techniques or technologies such as acoustics to produce magnification. How to Select Specialty Microscopes. Biological microscope...
    Acoustic Enclosures - (133 companies)
    Acoustics Pvt Ltd. Applications. There are many applications for acoustic enclosures. For example, products are often used for sound dampening with manufacturing equipment, power generation devices, air conditioning systems, and refrigeration equipment...
    Measurement Microphones - (74 companies)
    Measurement microphones are most commonly condenser microphones, which convert sound pressure to an output that is then converted into a reading such as sound pressure level (SPL).
    Acoustic Horns - (32 companies)
    Acoustic horns are relatively low-frequency horns that produce vibration at frequencies that will loosen and clean soot or other undesirable particulate buildup on chimneys, catalyst beds, or other process vessels.
    Audio Microphones - (459 companies)
    Audio microphones are designed for sound reception and recording applications (speech and music).
    Broadcasting, Studio, and Theatrical Equipment and Supplies - (462 companies)
    ...independent channel volume controls. Portable sound systems. Signal processors. Surge protectors. Audio cables. Headphones and headsets. Sound testers. Wireless communications devices. Audio Workstations. Standards. AES11 - AES recommended practice...

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    Headset Services and Racal Acoustics are exhibiting together for the second time.
  • Medium Noise Attenuating Headset
    Racal Acoustics ' Medium Noise Attenuating Headset provides active and passive noise protection using 'patent applied for' technologies.
    Racal Acoustics will supply the ANR headsets .
  • Frontier In-The-Ear (ITE) headset (RA5500/1xxx)
    According to the contractor, when used with a compatible Racal Acoustics switchbox, the Frontier ITE headset has been developed to combine natural hearing with high levels of protection, communication integrity, equipment compatibility and user comfort.
    UK Artillery Communications Aural Protective System, headsets for artillery crew‐members ( RACAL Acoustics ); .
    TEXT: Second Tranche Of ANR Headsets For British Army TEXT: The UK MoD has contracted Racal Acoustics to supply its Active Noise Reduction (ANR) headsets ...
  • The active control of sound
    Thelowest curve is the spectrumat the pilot's ear using a headset with activenoise reduction (ANR)developed by Racal Acoustics .
  • Digital signal processing strategies for active noise control
    Industrial variantsof these systems also exist,as doANC headsets designed for military pilots by companies such as Racal Acoustics .
  • Down with noise [active noise control]
    Headsets of this kind for military use are made by Racal Acoustics Ltd., Harrow, United Kingdom; Lectret Precision Ltd., in Singapore; and Bose Corp., Framingham, Mass.
    TEXT: TEXT: ‐ The UK MoD has awarded Racal Acoustics a Pds3 million contract to supply Active Noise Reduction (ANR) headsets for the British Army's...