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Conduct Research Top

  • The Best Way to Verify Medical Diagnostics Coatings
    require a sample of a bodily fluid taken from a patient, be it blood from a fingertip or phlegm from a nostril. Then these samples are often sent off for testing. Some of the unsung heroes in these scenarios are the glass and plastic slides and culture wells upon which these tests are fulfilled.
  • Accuride in Action: Moving Medical Testing Stations Forward with Baker-Ruskinn
    Baker-Ruskinn used Accuride two-way travel slides to ensure smooth movement for the interlock tray.
  • Smart Computing Article - Photos & Video
    a slide, scan directly from the slide. There's no need to turn it into a photograph first. A slide has more information, and the more information, the better. With ScanJet, you can also scan 3-D objects directly. *To keep track of my photos, I set up a folder on my Desktop called MyScans. It's a great
  • Sealing the Deal
    Since its invention in 1899, sliding vane pump technology has been proven as the best, most efficient way to move fluids in a wide array of manufacturing applica- tions. The reputation that sliding vane technology has in the marketplace has only been enhanced by the development of the new
  • Smart Computing Article - Can You Hear Me Now?
    And Audio Devices Properties dialog box. For starters, make sure the Mute checkbox on the Volume tab is clear and that the Device Volume slider bar is set at about three-quarters of the way from Low to High. Also, click the Speaker Volume button and click-and-drag the Left and Right sliders to the right
  • | Electronics Industry News for EEs & Engineering Managers
    , not the marketing one. HP looks to create another MPU peak How Hewlett-Packard Co., the prototypical engineering company, came to lose its way is, in some regards, the story of a microprocessor. That story starts in 1971, with what may have been a massive corporate misstep at one of HP's biggest
  • Fiber Brush Slip Ring Technology
    As the analog world gives way to the digital in more and more applications, design engineers are faced with replacing traditional analog components with their digital equivalents. Nowhere is this more evident than in the electro-mechanical world. Analog resolvers are being replaced by digital
  • Accuride in Action: The Wark Group
    The challenge when designing this trailer was finding a way to access the storage drawers underneath the fridge when necessary, while also keeping everything tidy and compact when not in use. The perfect solution therefore, was to mount the fridge onto a low-profile linear guide that could

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  • Oil hydraulic system
    Slide path .
  • Umformtechnische production of complex body parts
    Slide directions .
  • Dubbel
    Lamellae can be radially ordered in the rotor or made in the rotating sense, characterized, through the slide direction constant x (image 23).
  • Dubbel
    Lamellae can be radially ordered in the rotor or made in the rotating sense, characterized, through the slide direction constant x (image 23).
  • Shaving machine tools
    Axial carriage path (Z axis): .
  • Dubbel
    Lamellae can be radially ordered in the rotor or made in the rotating sense, characterized, through the slide direction constant x (image 23).
  • Hydroelectric plants
    The] the qs-values adopt an always recurring characteristic process in dependence of re and that remains the minimum constant according to slide size and slide type from a certain re value of] qs by fully open slide gives.
  • Introduction into the oil hydraulic system
    Rotary valve directional valves are suited because of the very difficult static compensation of pressure fields for high pressures less while they can be interesting as low pressure-pilot valves (e.g. for bearing manual transmission).