Products/Services for Spring Loaded Turnbuckles

  • Turnbuckles-Image
    Turnbuckles - (172 companies)
    Turnbuckles are used in rigging to join wire-rope or cable to an anchor point or other length of wire. They have a screw thread for precise length and tension adjustment. Features Most turnbuckles are forged or cast from stainless steel or low...
  • Belt and Chain Tensioners-Image
    Belt and Chain Tensioners - (89 companies)
    ...of adjustment. Manual belt and chain tensioners require operators to adjust screws or unbolt and reposition parts to obtain the proper tension. Spring-loaded tensioners automatically maintain tension as belts or chains wear and stretch. Floating...
  • Spring Pins-Image
    Spring Pins - (108 companies) to withstand the effects of shock and vibration than other products. Spring loaded pins may feature a quick-release mechanism, and are well-suited for applications where space is limited. For all types of spring pins and spring fasteners, bulk...
    Ball and Spring Plungers - (58 companies)
    How to Select Ball and Spring Plungers. Ball and spring plungers are devices incorporating a body and a spring loaded ball or pin. They are design and suited for fixturing applications where pressure is required for accurate positioning and indexing...
    Spring Locating Pins - (24 companies)
    How to Select Spring Locating Pins. Spring locating pins are compact, spring-loaded components used to apply a light side force to a workpiece for positioning or clamping. They are cylindrical in shape and press fit into a hole for use in fixturing...
    Torsion Springs - (252 companies)
    Helically wound springs that deflect torque rotationally, torsion springs express mechanical energy through the property of elasticity: the spring action happens when it is twisted rather than compressed or pulled. Despite the name, torsion springs...
    Power Springs and Spring Motors - (21 companies)
    Power springs and spring motors are rotational-drive springs that are wound tightly and mounted on an arbor. They are used in applications such as retractable reels, tape measures, and retracting seat belts. Peer into any wind-up toy you had...
    Flat Springs - (103 companies)
    Flat springs are flat strips of material that, when deflected by an external load, store and release energy. Flat springs are small, stamped metal components that function like a spring by controlling deflection within small or restricted spaces...
    Spring Stops - (20 companies)
    How to Select Spring Stops. Spring stops, also referred to as spring stop buttons, are used for light workholding applications to hold a work piece to a locating surface prior to clamping. Types of Spring Stops. Spring stops can be classified based...
    Die Springs - (57 companies)
    Die springs are a robust type of helical compression springs consisting of rectangular wire. For the same value deflection, die springs carry 30% more load. These springs are designed to carry very high compression loads in hostile environments...

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