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Products/Services for Synthetic Brick Pavers

    Pavers - (41 companies)
    Pavers consist of pre-cast blocks or bricks utilized in exterior hardscaping to create even, unobstructed surfaces for people and vehicles. They are made from a selection of materials, including molded concrete, kiln-fired clay, rubber, grass...
    Bricks - (118 companies)
    ...to be for the application. The bricks are stacked together with a layer of mortar in between each brick, bonding it to the surrounding bricks. The patterns used to build walls or other structures or to pave floors varies according to the application. Some of the common...
  • Industrial Sealants-Image
    Industrial Sealants - (972 companies)
    Polyurethane and other polymer sealants are also commonly used to seal metal joints. Plastics are organic, synthetic, or processed materials made of thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers. Polyurethane/silicone hybrids work best with plastic parts. Some...
  • Minerals, Aggregates, and Sands-Image
    Minerals, Aggregates, and Sands - (406 companies)
    Minerals, aggregates and sands consist of bulk or particulate forms of silicates, clays, calcium carbonate, wollastonite, aggregates and other additives used to extend, fill, strengthen or modify plastics, coatings, adhesives, and other materials.
    Flooring (industrial) - (876 companies)
    ...or synthetic fibers such as cotton, rayon, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, and wood. Vinyl sheet and vinyl tiles - Vinyl flooring and vinyl sheet flooring are durable products that are available in a wide variety of colors and styles. Ceramic - Ceramic...
    Synthetic Oils, Greases, and Lubricants - (583 companies)
    Synthetic oils, greases and lubricants are based on synthetic compounds such as silicone, polyglycol, esters, digesters, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and mixtures of synthetic fluids and water. Synthetic oils, greases and lubricants are formulated...
    Synthetic Fibers and Fabrics - (486 companies)
    ...than it is wide). Fibers can be spun into yarn and made into fabrics. Synthetic fibers are a subset of the larger area of textiles. Textiles can be natural or synthetic. Natural fibers include cotton, fur, wool, etc. Regenerated fibers are natural...
    Cement, Concrete, and Mortar - (591 companies)
    ...the mixture is called concrete. Although it accounts for only 10% to 15% of the concrete 's total mass, cement is the essential binding agent for concrete. Mortar, a mixture of a binder or clinker and a fine aggregate, is used to bond together brick...
    Sealers and Seal Coatings - (251 companies)
    Sealers and seal coatings are used to seal surfaces or to form a barrier on a surface. They differ from sealants, which are used to seal joints or gaps between surfaces.
    Floor Coatings - (332 companies)
    Floor coatings are tough protective layers used in applications where heavy surface wear or corrosion is expected. Typical applications include warehouses, chemical plants, and manufacturing floors.

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  • Olin's Construction: Principles, Materials, and Methods, 9th Edition
    These sealers are used on flagstones and other pavers , concrete, synthetic stone, CMU, brick , limestone, marble, sandstone, stucco, and synthetic stucco.
  • :: New Materials Zone ::
    This color selection works well with the lightest to darkest brick building. Interlock pavers are made with Bayferrox synthetic iron oxide pigments made by Bayer Corporation.
  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban Planning
    To cover a surface with pavers, bricks , etc.; ►paved stone surface); s empedrar [vb] (Cubrir una super- ficie con adoquines; ►adoquinado); syn. adoquinar [vb]; f paver [vb] (Action de poser un revêtement en pavés ; ►pavage 1) ; g pflastern [vb] (In eine Fläche … (Surface paved, e.g. with asphalt, in situ concrete, pavers or synthetic surfacing; ►hard- scape; opp.
  • Weed flora in paved areas in relation to environment, pavement characteristics and weed control
    The following technical characteri- stics were also measured: pavement width, type of the paving elements (conventional concrete pavers, draining concrete pavers , clay bricks , concrete tiles, cobbles), dimensions of the paving elements and joint width (narrow: 0–2 mm, intermediate: 2–5 mm, wide: >5 … … active ingredients, but mainly glyphosate), (ii) mechanical, including brushing (steel weed brushes), sweeping ( synthetic cleaning brushes), mowing …
  • Designing the Sustainable Site: Integrated Design Strategies for Small Scale Sites and Residential Landscapes
    Products and materials with high embodied energy are those that have multiple manufacturing processes and include steel, copper, brick , synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, polyvinyl chloride (PVc), and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). … or locations near the site • Minima lly processed materials such as stone pavers , aggregate, and wood …
  • :: New Materials Zone ::
    For example, a homeowner may decide to combine stone-colored poured concrete asymmetrical pavers with sand-colored, rectangular brick -colored pavers to produce a unique flooring pattern. Wood, metal and synthetic deck materials can all be attractively painted, then combined with interesting flooring patterns …
  • Commercial-Industrial Cleaning, by Pressure-Washing, Hydro-Blasting and UHP-Jetting
    Stucco- synthetic : Brick pavers : .
  • States > Florida > Martin County > Regulations > [FL Martin Reg 43] 43 - Construction Industry Licensing
    Paving contractor--Commercial: A contractor qualified with the experience and skill to construct roads, airport runways and aprons, parking lots, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, property line walls, storm drainage facilities, paver brick/ paver brick systems and to perform the excavating, clearing and … … Portland cement plaster or quick-lime plaster and water, or any natural or synthetic materials as to …
  • http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/63200/26714317-MIT.pdf?sequence=2
    Advantages - many synthetic materials, including artificial turf, are available to fit a particular use, such as running … Brick and Tile Papers … colors e presents a warm appearance - cool down fast after heated Disadvantages - some pavers are highly susceptible …