Products/Services for Tube Cascode Differential Amplifiers

  • Differential Amplifier Chips-Image
    Differential Amplifier Chips - (77 companies)
    Image Credit: Texas Instruments High-Performance Analog Differential amplifier chips are designed to amplify the difference between two input signals. They can amplify a small difference between two signal levels and ignore any common level...
    RoHS Compliant
    Package Type
    Rail-to-Rail Output
  • RF Amplifiers-Image
    RF Amplifiers - (616 companies)
    ...and 7/16. Electrical Characteristics. Nominal operating voltage. Nnominal impedance. Operating Temperature. Operating temperature is an important environmental parameter to consider. Standards. EIA TEP 138 - Noise figure testing of RF amplifier tubes...
    Differentials and Axles - (52 companies)
    A differential is a mechanical connection that translates rotational motion from a source to two axles. The driveshaft generally runs the length of the vehicle, from the energy input (a motor) to the energy output (the wheels). The axle...
  • Instrumentation Amplifiers-Image
    Instrumentation Amplifiers - (151 companies)
    Instrumentation amplifiers are differential amplifiers that have been optimized for use with DC signals. They are characterized by high gain, high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), and high input impedance. Instrumentation amplifiers are analog...
  • Instrumentation Amplifier Chips-Image
    Instrumentation Amplifier Chips - (117 companies)
    Image Credit: Digi-Key. Instrumentation amplifier chips are precision amplifier circuits with both high-impedance differential inputs and high common-mode rejection. Also known as instrument amps, these devices are a type of operational amplifier...
    Power Amplifiers - (191 companies)
    Power amplifiers deliver a specific amount of AC power to a load. They are used in audio frequency and radio frequency applications. Types of Power Amplifiers. There are many different types of power amplifiers. Examples include: RF power amplifiers...
    Operational Amplifiers - (250 companies)
    Description. Operational amplifiers (op amps, op-amps) are general-purpose, closed-loop devices that are used to implement linear functions. They compare two incoming signals and release a third signal that is an amplified measure of the difference...
    Microwave Tubes - (7 companies) the microwave tube cavity. The continuous change in an electrostatic field accelerates and deaccelerates the electron beam. There are many types of microwave tubes. Examples include. Klystrons, two-cavity Klystron, and crossed-field amplifiers...
    Transimpedance Amplifiers - (32 companies) input current into an output voltage. Applications. Transimpedance amplifiers are useful in many important applications, including: Geiger -M uller tubes. photomultiplier tubes. accelerometers. photo detectors. other types of sensors. A common use...
    Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTA) - (13 companies)
    Operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) are devices that convert an input voltage to an output current. They are primarily voltage-to-current amplifiers. Unlike traditional operational amplifiers, or op-amps, OTAs represent...

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  • Development of a prototype high temperature amplifier for geothermal well logging. Final report
    …i a l tests, design improve- ments were made that led t o superior performance. was t o make the cascode circuit into a second differential class A amplifier (V3 and V4 in … current flow through both. tubes which were i n…
  • Measurement of Nuclear Radiation with Semiconductor Detectors
    A high pulse stability may be also achieved with another type of vacuum- tube pulse generator [D .... For this purpose a diffe- rential amplifier with a current stabilizing cascode circuit connected to the cathode is used.
  • ATLAS Muon Drift Tube Electronics
    Cascode pre- amplifier schematic. . pre-amplifier shown in figure 16 is a low-noise design such that the noise of the system is domi- nated by the terminating resistor at the far end of the drift tube . .... The differential input provides high common-mode rejection of noise pick up at the input.
  • Author Index
    Geometry and bias current optimization for SiGe HBT cascode low-noise amplifiers ; RFIC 02 407-410 Qingsha Cheng, see Bandler, J.W., MWSYM 02 713-716 vol.2 Qing Zhang Zhong, see Qing Huo Liu, T-MTT Jan 02 123-133 Qin .... Accurate modeling of lossy nonuniform transmission lines by using differential quadrature methods; T-MTT Oct 02 2233 .... Traveling-wave tube amplifier performance evaluation and design optimization for applications in multi-level digital communications; MWSYM…
  • Electronics, Communications and Networks V
    …can reach GND (the ground voltage of the LVDS receiver), the two input differential pairs in parallel .... The folded cascode circuit is of wide input common-mode range, high open-loop gain and high unity gain bandwidth, which makes it the best pre- amplifier option. .... M8) and (M3, M4, M11, M12) represent the two pairs of folded cascode tubes as an active…
  • Index to Subjects
    …For Underwater Weapons: 3120 Hydrophone: 3120 Admittance: 3101 Radial: 3101 Aircraft: 3211 Pilotless: 3211 Air Traffic-Control System: 3138 Radar: 3138 Algebra, Matrix: 3100 Amplification: 3126 Distributed: 3126 Amplifiers : 2973, 2974, 2991, 2999 … Noise-Factor Analysis: 3076 Cascode Circuit: 3076 Grounded-Grid … Printed on Steatite Plates: 2991 Stagger-Tuned: 2974 Monotonic: 2974 Television Antenna Systems: 3158 Tetrodes: 3055 Transmitting: 3055 Design: 3055 Torque Type: 3012 Traveling-Wave: 2999 Traveling-Wave Tubes : 3101 Field Theory: 3101 … 3054 Analyzer: 2982, 2983 Differential : 2982, 2983 Angle-of…
  • Book reviews
    A single- sided two-stage amplifier , direct coupled anode-to-grid, is repeatedly described as a cascode . .... The expressions " differential " and "push-pull" are apparently used inter- changeably. .... to produce a particle of light on the face of a special electronic tube which will, in…
  • Author Index
    Hulbert, ionospheric F, region, 755 Hawes, F. C., with W. K. Clothier, differential amiiplifier for low- frequenicy … 2948 Hector, F. S., with J. H. Meek, recording magnetic variometer, 105 Hedgcock, F. T., mnagnetic susceptibility of s-type Ge, 2107 Hedge, L. B., cascode a.f. amplifier , 2343 Hedlund, D. C … M. Toscano, c.r. tube power supply iises tran…
  • Subject Index
    AnmliIkers, (See also Circuits) a.f., cascode -connected cithode-coupled circtuit, 2343 cathode-follower, for matching, desigii … 699 using transistors, design auid perforniiance of, 3324 as pre- amplifiers for gramophones and smierophotues … curves for determissiilg, 2649 differential , with asymmetrical output, 2671 … of IS state of oxygen atom during auroral displays, 103 measurements on, Pitot- tube method for, 3366…
  • Teaching MOS integrated circuit amplifier design to undergraduates
    This article discusses four integrated circuit MOSFET amplifier configurations; the current source/active load stage, the source follower, the cascode connection, and the differential stage with a current mirror load. .... ELECTRONIC circuit design had its genesis in the vacuum tube era and continued to evolve through the…