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Conduct Research Top

  • Success Stories- Vacuum Switchgear
    Dead tank vacuum circuit breakers are three-phase devices designed for. power distribution substations. These breakers provide overcurrent protection. and isolation from short circuit conditions for expensive transformer. equipment with the reliability of a mechanical interruption
  • WALTER Medien: Ergonomic Vacuum Handling of Calendars
    devices from the vacuum specialist Schmalz: The company installed several tube lifters and column-mounted jib cranes in WALTER's new facility, thereby helping to create more pleasant and ergonomic working conditions.
  • Low Outgassing Accelerometers and Cables for Thermal Vacuum and Vibration Test Environments
    Exposure to the high vacuum level of a space environment induces material outgassing in ordinary accelerometers and cables. Any substance subjected to a vacuum has the potential to release trapped gasses. Contaminants from outgassing can condense onto nearby surfaces such as photo-optic devices
  • Mechanical Thrombectomy - Clot Removal Device
    at high speed to break up the clot, then vacuum aspirates it out of the bloodstream. The device motor must operate at speeds based on the specific requirements needed to remove the individual clot.
  • 16N78 Brush DC Motor for Clot Removal Device
    at high speed to break up the clot, then vacuum aspirates it out of the bloodstream. The device motor must operate at speeds based on the specific requirements needed to remove the individual clot.
  • Miniature X-Ray Tubes Utilizing Carbon-Nano Tube Based Cold Cathodes
    The electron field-emission properties of carbon nanotubes enable the fabrication of cold. cathodes for a variety of vacuum device applications. The utilization of these cathodes is. an attractive alternative for the replacement of thermionic or hot cathodes for generating. X-rays. Miniature X-ray
  • Angle and Inline Valves Introduction
    Vacuum angle and inline valves are devices that regulate the flow of gases, fluids or materials through a structure or aperture by opening, closing or obstructing a port or passageway.
  • Gate Valves Introduction
    In the simplest of terms, vacuum gate valves are devices that regulate the flow of gases, fluids or materials through a structure or aperture by opening, closing or obstructing a port or passageway.

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