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Conduct Research Top

  • Large-Flange ISO LF Flanges
    MDC's Large-Flange™ ISO LF components are an economical system of reusable and interfacing stainless steel vacuum fittings for tube sizes ranging from 2-1/2" through 20" diameters. Large-Flange™ ISO LF flanges pick up where the Kwik-Flange™ ISO KF system leaves off. These flanges can operate
  • Kwik-Flange ISO KF Flanges and Standard Sizes
    diameters. These flanges can operate in high vacuum environments to pressures in the 1x10-8 Torr range. The Kwik-Flange™ ISO KF flange system is ideally suited for
  • Wire Seal Flanges
    MDC Wire Seal Flanges provide a convenient method of metal-sealing relatively large diameter vacuum chambers. These metal seal flanges pick up where the Del-Seal™ CF flanges Del-Seal™ CF metal seal flanges leave off.
  • Del-Seal CF Flanges Introduction
    MDC established its standing in the vacuum components world after becoming one of the first licensed manufacturers of Varian's patented Conflat® metal-seal flange, known today to most MDC customers as the Del-Seal™ CF metal-seal flange.
  • Modular Evaporation Vertical Flange Mount Assembly
    MDC has eliminated the difficulties of flange mounting electron beam sources. The effort that goes into designing and fitting a source to a vacuum coating chamber has been done for you with the introduction of standard vertical flange mounted evaporation sources.
  • Kwik-Flange ISO KF Parts Identification
    All vacuum seals, regardless of the shape of the seal or the materials used, have a common configuration - two flanges facing each other with a gasket in-between and held together by a clamp or bolts. The shape of the flanges is the primary definition of the type of flange.
  • Large-Flange ISO LF Parts Identification
    All vacuum seals, regardless of the shape of the seal or the materials used, have a common configuration - two flanges facing each other with a gasket in-between and held together by a clamp or bolts. The shape of the flanges is the primary definition of the type of flange.
  • Metal Ring Seals in Vacuum Semiconductor
    In the semiconductor sector, metal ring seals are routinely used to avoid contamination and preserve equipment vacuum. These seals are designed to fit over a variety of components, including flanges, tubes, and ports, and are built from a flexible metal substance.

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