Products/Services for Wideband Injection Transformers

  • Instrument Transformers-Image
    Instrument Transformers - (370 companies)
    In addition, current transformers are used in capacitor discharge surge testing, the development of motor controllers and electronic variable speed drives, the monitoring of laser tube and diode pulse currents, current injection, the measurement...
    Transformer Category
    Type / Applications
  • Current Transformers-Image
    Current Transformers - (396 companies)
    Current transformers are used to step down current in a very predictable fashion with respect to current and phase. They are generally used as inputs to current instruments. Current transformers measure power flow and provide electrical inputs...
    Transformers - (2105 companies)
    Transformers are electrical devices that are designed to transfer energy from one circuit to another by electromagnetic induction. They are used typically to increase or decrease voltage as it passes from one side of the device through the other...
  • Injection Pumps-Image
    Injection Pumps - (108 companies)
    Injection pumps are designed to inject measured amounts of fluid into a reservoir or production system. They are often used in vehicles for pumping fuel into the cylinders of the engine. Injection pumps are positive displacement pumps that use...
  • Power Transformers-Image
    Power Transformers - (1024 companies)
    Power transformers convert power-level voltages from one level or phase configuration to another. They can include features for electrical isolation, power distribution, and control and instrumentation applications. Power transformers convert...
    RF Transformers - (128 companies)
    Community --Transformer Pricing. Electronics360 --Wideband Mixer Delivers IF Bandwidth from DC to 6 GHz. Electronics360 --Toroidal Transformer Minimizes Leakage Current in Medical-Grade Power Source. Image credit: JFW Industries, Inc.
    Steam Injection Heaters - (26 companies)
    Steam injection heaters inject steam into a system to maintain or raise temperature levels. Steam injection heaters use a special system of perforated injection tubes to force steam into a liquid or slurry to provide almost instantaneous transfer...
    Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Services - (194 companies)
    Metal injection molding (MIM) services use a powder metallurgy process to manufacture metal parts. Metal injection molding (MIM) services use a powder metallurgy process to manufacture metal parts. Although metal injection molding uses metal powder...
    Current Sense Transformers - (123 companies)
    Current sense transformers are used to detect and measure current. There are two basic types of products: switch-mode transformers for power conversion applications, and precision-measurement transformers for instrumentation applications. Current...
    Transformer Winding Services - (153 companies)
    Transformer winding services design transformers and other magnetics products for application-specific and OEM usage in a variety of industrial, medical, military, aerospace, telecommunications, commercial and specialty applications. Transformer...

Product News

Conduct Research

...through the. main channel. High-frequency electric fields were provided. by a wideband, high-power amplifier and transformer combination. (Amp-Line Corp., Oakland Gardens, NY), and signal. generation was accomplished using a function generator. (GFG-3015; GW Instek, Taipei, Taiwan). Numerical Modeling...

...fabrication techniques such as hot. embossing and injection molding. We consider mixing in four devices that are inspired by. the DEP-based devices in [20, 21]. A pressure drop is used to. drive the flow of two parallel deionized water streams. through the devices. One stream contains beads...

Product Announcements
Triad Magnetics
Jiangyin Xinghuo Deyue Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangyin Xinghuo Deyue Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangyin Xinghuo Deyue Technology Co., Ltd.