Commercial Uniforms and Industrial Clothing Information
Image Credit: Uniform Express
Commercial uniforms and industrial clothing are designed for commercial, industrial, law enforcement, military, or other specialized applications. Commercial uniforms and industrial clothing are commonly used to brand or identify the employees of a company via the company’s logo or other corporate identifier. Commercial uniforms and industrial clothing can be purchased from a variety of sources including retail outlets, direct sales vendors, or mail order catalogs.
Commercial uniforms and industrial clothing worn for identification or company branding purposes can be found in almost every industry. Examples include:
Hospitality industries (restaurants and hotels)
Health care industries (doctors and nurses)
Manufacturing organizations
Distribution companies (delivery and packaging services)
Commercial uniforms and industrial clothing may be required for worker safety or protection purposes. Common purposes for industrial safety clothing include:
high visibility (transportation workers)
protection from hazardous materials (chemical workers).
Some types of commercial uniforms and industrial clothing combine both branding and safety purposes. A military uniform is designed to instill both a sense of unity among members of that organization and provide specific work-related functionality. A police uniform, as another example, may include protective materials like a Kevlar vest.
Many different types of cotton fabrics are used in commercial uniforms and industrial clothing.
Poplins - Made with wood, cotton, silk, rayon, or a mixture of these.
Twills - Examples include chino, denim, and tweed.
Ripstops - Often made of nylon, ripstops prevent tearing and ripping.
Selection Criteria
Other factors to consider when selecting uniforms include
Buying versus renting (rentals are generally more expensive)
Expected longevity of the uniform
Material and comfort for workers
Uniform maintenance (employee maintained and cleaned versus a service)