Materials for UHDI and advanced packaging fabrication
View web version 23 February 2023 — Issue 8 | Vol 8
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Materials for UHDI and advanced packaging fabrication

Materials for UHDI and advanced packaging fabrication

There is a more advanced type of PCB that most designers do not work with, but that is equally important in enabling advanced electronics: IC substrates and ultra-high-density PCBs. Read more →

Accelerate aircraft certification: Prove compliance through numerical analysis supported by physical testing

Siemens Industry Software, Inc.

Accelerate aircraft certification: Prove compliance through numerical analysis supported by physical testing

Learn how to speed up and de-risk certification using numerical analysis supported by physical testing as proof of compliance.

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First zero-emission, electric ferry to launch in California

First zero-emission, electric ferry to launch in California

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) will launch what it claims is the first zero-emission, electric propulsion short-route ferry in California beginning in 2024. Read more →

Large-scale smart infrastructure project begins in China

Large-scale smart infrastructure project begins in China

A large-scale smart infrastructure project has begun in Huanggang City, China, to save energy costs and emissions while digitalizing the urban infrastructure. Read more →

RIGOL's new DHO4000 series 12-bit high-resolution oscilloscopes

Rigol Technologies, Inc.

RIGOL's new DHO4000 series 12-bit high-resolution oscilloscopes

DHO4000 oscilloscopes with ultra-low noise are ideal for high-speed signal integrity applications. Available 200 MHz–800 MHz bandwidths, four channels, 4 GSa/sec sampling, 100 μV/division range, up to 500 MPts memory.

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Zoox begins robotaxi tests on public roads

Zoox begins robotaxi tests on public roads

The autonomous MaaS vendor conducted the first run of its employee shuttle service on Feb. 11, 2023. It is the first time an autonomous robotaxi without traditional driving controls has carried passengers on open public roads, Zoox said. Read more →

SIA: Long-term semiconductor outlook strong

SIA: Long-term semiconductor outlook strong

There were ups and downs in the global semiconductor industry in 2022 but according to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) the pattern is consistent with the chip industry's predictable cycle. Read more →


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