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Help with Strainers specifications:

Strainer Style
   Assembly / Element       
   Your choices are...         
   Strainer Assembly       Strainer assemblies come equipped with housing, cover, or case and a strainer element. 
   Strainer Element       Strainer elements do not come as a complete assembly. Rather, they are a simple mesh or perforated metal element that may be used as a replacement, or as a handheld strainer.  
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   Your choices are...         
   General Purpose       General-purpose strainers can be used in a variety of applications. 
   Chemical       Strainers filter particles and contaminants from chemicals. They provide a high degree of resistance to corrosive substances such as acids and solvents. 
   Coolant       Strainers filter particles and contaminants from coolants. They are designed for use with machine or process coolants, cutting fluids, etc. 
   Food Processing       Strainers are designed and rated for food processing applications. 
   Laboratory       Strainers are designed for general laboratory applications. Features such as special hardening against weather, shock, extreme heat, and other unusual conditions are not necessary. 
   Industrial       Strainers are designed for general industrial applications.  Features such as special hardening against weather, shock, extreme heat, and other unusual conditions are not necessary. 
   High Temperature       Strainers are designed for high ambient or fluid temperatures. 
   High Viscosity       Strainers are designed to handle fluids of high viscosity or thickness (e.g., grease, heavy oils, syrup). 
   Hydraulic Fluid       Strainers are designed for hydraulic fluids. 
   Medical / Pharmaceutical       Strainers are used with with pharmaceutical chemicals or medical / surgical fluids. 
   Oil / Fuel       Rated for use with petrochemicals such as engine oil, gasoline, diesel, and specialized fuels. 
   Refrigerant       Strainers are suitable for use with refrigerants in cooling systems. 
   Water       Strainers filter particles and contaminants water. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary configurations. 
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   Strainer Type       
   Your choices are...         
   Basket (or Simplex Basket)       Baskets or simplex simplex baskets are used where a line can be shut down for short periods to clean or change strainers. They are an integral part of the pipeline because all flow passes through them. 
   Duplex Basket       Duplex strainers remove damage-causing particulate matter from the process media. Because they never have to be shut down for cleaning, a line can run continuously. When one strainer basket becomes full, flow is switched to the other. The first basket is removed, cleaned, and readied for use again. Some basket filters are designated as temporary, meaning that they are intended for start-up use only. 
   In-line Strainers       In-line strainers are positioned with the basket parallel to the line of fluid flow. They are used in sanitary applications. 
   Tee Type       Tee type strainers are well-suited for applications in which replacements must be made quickly. 
   Y-strainers       Y-strainers use a perforated or wire mesh straining element to mechanically remove solids from flowing liquids or gases. They are used in pipelines to protect equipment such as pumps, meters, control valves, steam traps, and regulators. 
   Conical Line       Conical line strainers remove debris during start-up to protect fluid and gas handling equipment. They are easily installed between large flange faces without modifying the surrounding pipe work and are also easily removed. These strainers are designated as temporary, and intended for start-up use only. 
   Flat Plate       Flat plate strainers are inserted directly in the line of fluid flow.  They may also be used while held in the hand. Flat plate strainers are designated as temporary, and used for start-up only. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary configurations. 
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Performance Specifications
   Media      Strainers remove solids from a fluid line.  Some strainers may be available for specific types of media only.
   Your choices are...         
   Liquid       Strainers can be used to filter solids and particles from liquid flow streams. 
   Gas       Strainers can be used to filter solids and particles from gaseous flow streams. 
   Steam       Strainers can be used to filter solids and particles from steam flow lines. 
   Slurry       Strainers can be used to filter solids and particles from slurries. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary configurations. 
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   Pipe Size       The nominal pipe size the strainer can accommodate. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Pressure Rating       The maximum service design pressure. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Screen Opening       ASTM E-11 the American Society for Testing Materials is the most widely used standard in North America. The opening is defined by a number (number 635 (20 µm) to number 3-1/2 (5.6 mm)) or is defined in inches (1/4 in. (6.3 mm) to 5 in. (125 mm)). ISO 3310-1 from the International Standards Organizations is the standard used in Canada in the field of construction materials. The opening is defined in micrometers (20 µm to 37,500 µm). 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Process Temperature       The full-required range of ambient operating temperature. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the limits in a "From - To" range; when both are specified, matching products will cover entire range. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Physical Specifications
   Pipe Connection       
   Your choices are...         
   Welded       The squared and prepared ends are butted together in preparation for welding. This technique is sometimes called socket-weld or butt-weld. 
   Flanged       The device is inserted parallel to the flow path, usually between two pieces of existing flanged process pipes.  
   Threaded       The device is inserted parallel to the flow path, and threaded into two existing process pipes. NPT is the most common thread type. 
   Clamped       The device is held in the pipeline via external clamps. 
   Brazed / Soldered       The strainer is soldered into existing pipeline. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary configuration. 
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   Materials of Construction      Materials of construction include all materials used in the strainer assembly or element including materials of the straining element, piping connection, and cover.
   Your choices are...         
   Bronze       Sintered bronze is a porous material that can be impregnated with oil, graphite or PTFE. It's not suitable for heavily loaded applications, but useful where lubrication is inconvenient. 
   Cast Iron       The term "cast iron" refers not to a single material, but to a family of materials whose major constituent is iron, with important trace amounts of carbon and silicon. Cast irons are natural composite materials whose properties are determined by their microstructures, the stable and metastable phases formed during solidification or subsequent heat treatment. The major microstructural constituents of cast irons are the chemical and morphological forms taken by carbon, and the continuous metal matrix in which the carbon and/or carbide are dispersed. 
   Composite / FRP       Composite materials are a combination of strong fibers and inert polymer resins. They provide high strength and chemical resistance, and are sometimes called fiber reinforced plastic (FRP). 
   Monel®       Monel® is a proprietary alloy with high strength and resistance to a range of corrosive media, including seawater, hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids, and alkalis. Monel is a registered trademark of Special Metals Corporation. 
   Nickel Alloy       Nickel is a constituent of many alloys, but the amount of nickel varies by application. 
   Steel - Carbon / Alloy       High carbon, hard drawn steel is used when resistance to abrasion and impact is required. Low carbon steel is frequently used in the manufacture of industrial wire cloth (wire mesh) screens due to its tensile strength and impact resistance. Low resistance to abrasion, chemical attack and corrosion may limit its usage, however, although several types of special coatings such as galvanizing (before or after weaving) can be applied to increase its suitability in a given application. 
   Steel - Stainless       Stainless steel is chemical and corrosion resistant and can have relatively high-pressure ratings. 
   Titanium       Titanium is a hard, lustrous, silvery element that is relatively abundant in the Earth's crust. It is known for its lightness, strength, and corrosion resistance. For this reason, it is used widely in the aerospace industry and the medical fields (e.g., replacement joints).  When alloyed with other metals, especially steel, it adds strength and oxidation resistance. 
   Hastelloy®       Hastelloy® alloys provide high resistance to uniform attack and localized corrosion resistance. They also provide stress corrosion cracking resistance, and ease of welding and fabrication. Hastelloy is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc. 
   PVC       Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a widely used material that has good flexibility, a smooth surface, and nontoxic qualities. Because of PVC's inert nature, some grades are used in food and chemical processes. Brand names include ACP® and Dural® (Alpha Gary), Geon® (Geon), Benvic® (Solvay), Flexalloy® (Teknor Apex). 
   Polyethylene (PE)       Polyethylene (PE) is a semi-crystalline (typically around 50%), whitish, semi-opaque commodity thermoplastic that is soft, flexible and tough - even at low temperatures - with outstanding electrical properties, but poor temperature resistance. PE also has very good chemical resistance, but is prone to environmental stress cracking. PE also has poor UV resistance (unless modified) and poor barrier properties, except to water. 
   Polypropylene (PP, PPL)       Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic material exhibiting excellent cold flow, bi-axial strength, and yield elongation properties. PP is similar to PVC, but can be used in exposed applications because of its resistance to UV, weathering, and ozone. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary configurations. 
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   Your choices are...         
   Integral Filter       The strainer or assembly contains an integral filter to remove fine particles from the fluid stream. 
   Magnetic Inserts       Magnetic inserts are used in systems where there is wear of iron or steel parts against each other. They are used to collect microscopic iron or steel particles present in the fluid. The magnetic insert should be designed so all the fluid passes over it and thus comes in contact with the magnet. 
   Steam Jacketed       Steam jacketed strainers are used for applications where materials must be kept hot in order to remain fluid. Application examples are chocolate, asphalt, resins and polymers. The strainer body temperature is maintained by circulating steam or a heat transfer fluid through the strainer jacket. 
   Self-cleaning       Self-cleaning models may include automatic motor operated cleaning mechanisms or manual handwheel-operated cleaning.  Generally, the basket does not need to be removed for cleaning. 
   Sanitary       The device is constructed of an easily sterilized material and is designed specifically for hygienic purposes such as medical, pharmaceutical, or food processing applications. It may be certified by a national or international organization (USDA, FDA, etc.) but this is not required. 
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