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Waterproof / Wet?


Angle Cut / Diagonal?

Conditioned / Rounded?

Bulk Density:

Media Dimension A / Diameter:

Media Dimension B:

Grit Grade / Shot Size:

Material / Composition:

Help with Metal Media and Abrasives specifications:

   Your choices are...         
   Blasting       Abrasives and media for abrasive blast machines and sandblasters. Abrasive blast machines and sandblasters clean and prepare surfaces by directing a stream of abrasive particles against a part or a surface. Blast wheels, pressurized water or compressed air drive the abrasive or blasting media. Blasting is used for finishing, surface texturing, roughening, frosting / etching, degreasing, deburring, deflashing, descaling, stripping of coatings, and surface preparation of products made of metal, wood, plastic, glass or other materials.  Aluminum oxide, coal slag, glass, plastic media, corncob, and nutshell are commonly used in blasting applications.  
   Blending & Intermediate Cutting       Abrasive products are designed for blending or removing parting lines, seams, or other significant surface imperfections. Medium or medium fine grit products are typically used for light cutting or intermediate material removal applications.   
   Burnishing       Media is designed or suitable for burnishing applications. Burnishing polishes and cleans parts without the use of abrasive compounds. 
   Cleaning / Surface Prep       Cleaning and surface preparation products are finishing media that are formulated for cleaning, degreasing, de-oiling, descaling, texturing, roughening, discoloration removal, and other surface preparation applications. 
   Deburring / Deflashing       Abrasive products designed or suitable for removing burrs, sharp corners, part lines and flash (deflashing). 
   Descaling / Stripping       Abrasive grit or media designed or suitable for decsaling or coating stripping applications.  Scale, oxide, rust, paints, oil, grease, and other coatings are removed using a suitably aggressive abrasives or media. 
   Fast Cutting / Aggressive       Fast cutting abrasives are coarse grit products typically designed for heavy cutting or material removal applications. 
   Grinding / Ball Milling       Media designed for ball milling or grinding down of bulk, powder or granular materials into finer powder forms.  Typically ceramic bead, hard metal shot, carbide balls or other ball shaped media are used.  The hardness of the powder or bulk material being ground will determine the selection of the media's material.  Ball milling processes can disperse or mix pigments or fillers into resins, paints, coatings, plastics, rubber or adhesives.   Media grinding or ball milling is also used to mechanically alloy metal powders allowing the creation of alloys that can not be formed through fusion processes. 
   Peening       Peening shot and beads consists of small metal balls or glass beads. Peening shot is used impart compressive stresses into the surface of part as well as deburr sharp edges without removing material. Induced compressive stress improves fatigue strength. 
   Polishing       Finer abrasive grains designed or suitable for precision surfacing applications such as polishing, honing, lapping, color buffing, brightening or other high surface smoothness finishing applications. The fine abrasive grit is incorporated in finishing compounds, coated abrasive lapping films, superfinishing bonded abrasive products and/or polishing compounds. Polishing compounds, pastes or creams contain very fine abrasives as well as waxes or oils. Polishing compounds produce highly lustrous, bright and buffed surfaces. Specialized non-abrasive chemical agents are also available for electropolishing or chemical polishing processes.  Color buffing produces a bright lustrous or polished surface. 
   Tumbling / Mass Finishing       Tumbling and mass finishing media is used to deburr, burnish, color, descale, polish or clean parts and components during finishing processes. Tumbling and mass finishing media involve choosing finishing shapes and media for particular tasks. Finishing shapes include balls, cones, ballcones, wedges, pins, tapers, cylinders, cut wire, diagonals, angle cuts, diamonds, cubes, oval balls, eclipses or balls with flats, crushed grit, pyramids, triangles, and stars or tristars. Finishing media consists of metal, ceramic, plastic, natural, wood, nutshell, corncob, carbonate, mineral, and synthetic materials. 
   Specialty / Other       Specialty, proprietary, patented or other unlisted blasting, finishing, grinding and abrasive application 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Waterproof / Wet?       Waterproof abrasive products designed or suitable for wet finishing using a water or water-oil coolant mixture. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
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Type / Shape
   Your choices are...         
   Balls / (Beads Spherical)       Media is a bead, ball or spherical shape.  
   Ballcones / Satellites       Ballcone or satellite media has a shape that is a combination of a ball and cone. The term "satellite" is used because the media looks like a flying saucer, satellite or top. 
   Cones       Media has a cone shape.  
   Cylinders / Cylindrical       Media has a cylinder, flat ended pin or other cylindrical shape.  
   Crushed / Irregular (Angular)       Abrasive grit or media has a crushed or irregular shape.  Aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, nutshell, glass and mineral abrasives or media typically have a crushed shape. 
   Diamonds       Media has a diamond or diagonal shape.  
   Metal Grit / Abrasive       Abrasive grain or grit consists of smaller, sharp particles of hard materials, minerals, ceramics, carbides or fused oxides. Most abrasive grains or grits have crushed irregular shapes, but a few abrasive grains are available with regular rod or platelet shapes such as precipitated alumina or extruded sol-gel abrasives.  Abrasive grains are typically sized or graded using a series of mesh sieves with specific percentage ranges for each screen depending on grit size. 
   Ovals / Ellipses       Media has an oval or ellipse shape.  
   Pins (Tapers / Slims)       Media in the form of a taper, slim, pin or other pointed media shape. 
   Shaped Media       Finishing and shaped media includes coarse regular shapes for mass finishing, tumbling, blasting and ball grinding applications. Finishing media types or shapes include steel shot, cut wire, triangles, pyramids, cones 
   Shot - Cut Wire       Shot can consist of round, cut wire or irregular shapes. Shot usually consists of steel, stainless steel or other metals. 
   Shot - Cast       Shot can consist of cast round shapes. Cast shot usually consists of steel, stainless steel, cast iron or other metals. A range of sizes or diameters may occur during the atomization or droplet formation process.  Cast shot may not be perfectly round unless conditioned - SAE specification allow up to 5% of the shot to be elongated, 10% with voids, 10% with shrinkage, and 5% with cracks. 
   Specialty / Other       Specialty, proprietary, patented or unlisted media shape. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Angle Cut / Diagonal?       Cylinder or shaped media is cut at an angle such as 45º angle cut cylinders or 22º angle cut triangles. The "angle cut" shape provides a sharper or narrower edge that can finish an inside corner or recess.  The ceramic media made be formed or molded into the shape, not physically "cut". 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Conditioned / Rounded?       The shot or media are pre-conditioned or rounded to radius or round off any sharp edges or corners that would otherwise scratch or mar the parts. Cut wire shot is normally conditioned before use as peening media. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Bulk Density:       Bulk density is the mass per unit area for a material taking into account internal porosity.  The bulk density is dependent on the theoretical density of 100% dense body and the actual level of porosity between abrasive or media particles.  Tap density and loose pack density are two types of bulk density used to understand particle shape, interparticle friction and flowability.  Loose packed density (LPD) or aerated density is the density of the powder or particulate body without any settlement, mechanical agitation, vibration, or tapping. Usually, loose packed density measurements are made by determining the mass of powder in a sample container of known volume. Tap or packed density is the density of the powder or particulate body after settlement from tapping, mechanical agitation, vibration, or light packing (not compaction or consolidation). Often, both loose packed and tap density measurements are made to determine the Hausner ratio, which is calculated by dividing the loose-packed density by the tap density. Carr index is also related to loose packed and tap densities. The Carr index and Hausner ratio provide an indication of flowability. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Media Size
   Media Dimension A / Diameter:       Media size specified by dimension A or diameter. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Media Dimension B:       Media size specified by dimension B. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Grit Grade / Shot Size
   Grit Grade / Shot Size:       Applies to products using abrasive grains held in a matrix or bonded to a surface such as coated abrasives, MSL superabrasives, vitrified grinding wheels, dressing sticks, honing stones or grit dressers. Grain, media or grit sizes are based on ANSI, FEPA, JIS, SAE, mesh, micron or proprietary grading system standards.  Grading system standards define a grit size through specified upper and lower limits at certain points in the size distribution.  Media size is also specified by dimensional characteristics such as length, width, diameter, and thickness. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Grading System (Grit / Shot):       
   Your choices are...         
   JIS       Japanese grit size standards for abrasive grains. 
   Mesh Graded       Grain or media graded to specific mesh sizes. Mesh size is determined by the number of wires per unit length. A higher mesh number indicates a smaller opening or fine particle. ASTM E-11 Standard (American Society for Testing Materials).  This is the standard most widely used in North America. The opening is defined by a number (number 635 (20 µm) to number 3-1/2 (5.6 mm)) or is defined in inches (1/4 in. (6.3 mm) to 5 in. (125 mm)). ISO 3310-1 Standard (International Standards Organization).  This is the standard used in Canada in the field of construction materials. The opening is defined in micrometers (20 µm to 37,500 µm). 
   Micron Graded       Very fine abrasive grain graded to micron size ranges usually based an average particle size. 
   Specialty / Other       Other unlisted, proprietary, or specialized grading or grit system. 
   SAE       Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard for grit, grain, bead and shot. 
   Search Logic:      Products with the selected attribute will be returned as matches. Leaving or selecting "No Preference" will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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Material / Composition
   Material / Composition       
   Your choices are...         
   Aluminum       Abrasive grain or finishing media consisting of aluminum shot, cut aluminum wire, or cast aluminum shot. 
   Cast Iron       Abrasive grain or finishing media consisting of cast iron. 
   Stainless Steel       Abrasive grain or finishing media consisting of steel.  Stainless steel media is often in the form of stainless steel shot, stainless steel peening balls, or cut stainless steel wire. Crush stainless steel alloy grit is a less common form. 
   Steel       Abrasive grain or finishing media consisting of steel.  Steel media is often in the form of steel shot, steel peening balls, or cut steel wire. Crush steel alloy grit is a less common form. 
   Zinc       Abrasive grain or finishing media consisting of zinc shot, cut zinc wire, or cast zinc shot. 
   Specialty / Other       Other specialty, proprietary or patented abrasive grain, grit or abrasive material. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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