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Gap Sensor / Feeler Gauge Types:

Measuring Technology:


Measuring Range:


Help with Gap Sensors and Feeler Gauges specifications:

Gap Sensor / Feeler Gauge Types
   Your choices are...         
   Fixed Feeler Gauge       Feeler or gap gauges consist of a series of gage stock fashioned to a precise thickness for gaging purposes.  
   Gap Detector / Detection Sensor       Gap detectors and gap detection sensors detect or measure the air gap or clearance between two components or surfaces and provide a local output or signal. 
   Gap Sensor       Gap sensors detect or measure the air gap or clearance between two components or surfaces and provide an output to an instrument to display the measurements. 
   Gap Monitor / Instrument       Gap monitors and instruments are self-contained devices that monitor critical gap distances between workpieces and jigs or between manufacturing components in order to prevent defects and ensure products meet minimum tolerances with a high degree of repeatability. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary gap sensor or feeler gage. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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   Measuring Technology       
   Your choices are...         
   Air Pressure / Pneumatic       A pneumatic bridge circuit and pressure sensor is used to detect gap distances. 
   Capacitance       Capacitive gap sensors generate an electrostatic field at the face of the sensor. The capacitance measured varies inversely with the gap distance. 
   Eddy Current       Eddy current gap sensors detect the gap distance by sensing fluctuations in a magnetic field generated by a reference coil. 
   Microwave       Microwave sensors transmit an electromagnetic signal which excites electrons in the target material. As the microwaves pulses cease the electrons release the absorbed energy and the amplitude and phase of the emitted waves is converted into a distance using a Fourier Transformation. 
   Mechanical       Mechanical gages use comparison or the physical movement and displacement of a gaging element (e.g., spindle, slide, stem) to determine the dimensions of a part or feature.  
   Optical / Laser       Gages that use optical, laser, infrared, or video based technology to measure dimensional features.  
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary technology type. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Non-contact       Non-contact gages and gaging systems measure the dimensional features of a part without making contact with these features. Typically, non-contact instruments are used when a part's function or assembly does not allow for marring or damage to the part during measurement. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
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   Measuring Range       This refers to the maximum distance, length, or thickness that the device can measure. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Accuracy       Accuracy is an indication of how close a measurement is to the actual value. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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