Fuel Additives Case Study for CalorVal Analyzer

Featured Product from Control Instruments Corp.

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A worldwide manufacturer of fuel additives that improve the refining process and boost the performance of gasoline and other fuels, needed to have a direct, real-time measurement of the LHV with either a Gas Chromatograph (GC) or a calorimeter and have the data available for the EPA audit.  They no longer would accept a calculated BTU value.  The customer desired a fast response time due to the nature of their batch processes and required a high range measurement for their heavy hydrocarbons.

The Solution

The Company chose to install a CalorVal BTU Analyzer on their flare header.  The CalorVal is a rugged industrial design that completely burns the sample and therefore is a direct measure of Total Calorific Value.  It provides an accurate and continuous measurement over the entire measurement range from 0 BTU/SCF up to the full scale of a variety of substances.  It is designed for real-time readings with a less than 5 second response time.  Although, the EPA did not specifically recommend Control Instruments' CalorVal BTU Analyzer, they did say that the CalorVal's readings would be acceptable in lieu of a GC or other calorimeter. 

Download the full Fuel Additives case study.

Download the CalorVal BTU Analyzer brochure.

View infographic, "Did you know? FAQs about CalorVal Analyzers."

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