
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. has promoted these products / services:

IEEE -  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - Get access to high quality eBooks Collections

The IEEE Xplore Digital Library offers instant online access to more than 3,600 high-quality, technical eBook titles that are available as a stand-alone subscription or as an add-on to your current IEEE Xplore subscription. (read more)

IEEE -  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - IEEE eLearning Library Course Series Packages

The IEEE eLearning Library offers the advanced technology content that only IEEE can provide; delivering hundreds of hours of courses with a focus on core and emerging technologies that are developed and updated by leading experts in the field. (read more)

IEEE -  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - Foster Innovation with an IEEE Xplore Subscription

The IEEE Xplore® digital library is your gateway to valuable, cutting-edge research, standards and educational courses—with more than 4.5 million articles to help you fuel imagination, build from previous research and inspire new ideas. Access a world of knowledge from many industries and improve, discover or innovate the next breakthrough. (read more)

IEEE -  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - Benefits of IEEE Journals & Conference Proceedings

IEEE publishes 169 leading journals, transactions and magazines in technology today, including electrical engineering, computing, biotechnology, power and energy, telecommunications and dozens of other essential fields. (read more)

IEEE -  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. - IEEE Standards

Get the most essential information in technology today—IEEE Standards Online. Access the exact standards you need or a group of standards to maximize the effectiveness of your company's R&D. (read more)