Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDR) Suppliers in Arizona

Optical time domain reflectometers (OTDR) measure the elapsed time and intensity of light reflected along an optical fiber. They are useful tools for locating problems in an optical network as they can compute the distance to breaks or attenuation. (more)
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US Fiber Systems
Address: 10944 E. Onyx Court, Scottsdale, AZ 85259 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer


White Sands Engineering
Address: 21615 N 27 Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027-2495 USA
Business Type: Manufacturer, Distributor, Service
Description: White Sands Engineering (WSE) started in 1978 in a garage located in Yuma, Arizona. During the ensuing years they have grown to become the largest manufacturer of custom made coaxial cable assemblies in the United States. WSE manufactures custom cable assemblies for the cable television, satellite,... (more)
