Weights Suppliers in Indiana

Weights are masses in the form of blocks, knobbed weights, wires, grip handle weights, hook weights, clip-on weights, and bolt-on weights. Weights are used for calibrating scales, mechanical testing, load testing, deadweights for pressure calibrators, bal (more)
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Mi-Tech Metals
Address: 4701 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46218 USA
Business Type: Manufacturer, Service
Description: For over 25 years, Mi-Tech Metals has provided stable, high-quality tungsten-based metals. Tungsten alloys and copper and silver composites are their specialties, and they have a stellar reputation as a reliable supplier to companies worldwide. Mi-Tech Metals produces tungsten heavy alloy &... (more)


North Vernon Industry Corporation
Address: 3750 4th Street, North Vernon, IN 47265 United States
Business Type: Service


US Balance
Address: 1098 East Beckes Lane, Vincennes, IN 47591 USA
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: US BALANCE / Awesome Wholesale is a leader in the digital scales production and distribution in North America. We have over nine years of experience in the digital scale manufacturing and distributing business. US-BALANCE  can supply digital scales to fit any weighing... (more)
