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Category: Signal Conditioners
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As a leader in Test & Measurement since 1949, we at Krohn-Hite strive to make as much information readily available as possible to our customers, to help improve engineering and business decisions.

Krohn-Hite's continued success over the years is derived from a basic philosophy that is still an integral part of a rigid engineering discipline.  This philosophy is to create a "standard of value," or more precisely, to design, develop and manufacture electronic instruments that would not only provide superior performance and reliability, but would also offer the greatest flexibility in the areas of manufacturing, production and laboratory at a reasonable cost.  This "standard of value" was obtained only after years of meticulous planning and research.

New and redefined techniques in circuit design and packaging are incorporated, using carefully selected components and materials.  A 100% final testing of all products is performed under strict procedures, using at times, specially designed test equipment for that purpose.

April of 1998, Krohn-Hite decided to enter the calibration market by acquiring the Calibrator Line of Electronic Development Corporation of Boston, Massachusetts.  This full line of calibrator products includes AC and DC calibrators, references, simulators, secondary standards and very stable low noise power sources.  Visit our web site over the coming months where we will inform you of the new and innovative calibrator products that will become available in the very near future.

Our web site continues to meet the demand for information about Krohn-Hite products and services.  Customers world-wide value our strong customer relationships and ability to assist them in their test and measurement needs.  Let us team up and assist you with any test and measurement concerns you may have.

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Technical Articles

Amplifier Parallel Operation (Power Supply and Conditioning) If you have a transformer that can handle the voltage and not saturate at lower frequencies, but need more power, you can drive it with the Parallel Drive Configuration... (View Full Article)
Amplifier Series Operation (Power Supply and Conditioning) With two Model 7500 Wideband Power Amplifiers and two transformers connected in the arrangement shown below, you can add the power from both amplifiers without concern for balancing output resistors. (View Full Article)