Tubular Conveying and Snack Food Production

Featured Product from Cablevey Conveyors

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Tubular Conveying Preserves Delicate Snack Components
Convey delicate snack foods and components with confidence for less product waste and loss. Whether sold independently or as part of mix-snack components and foods, these products require a combination of containment and gentle conveyance to avoid the breakage of delicate elements. For this, a tubular drag conveyor serves as the most practical style of conveyance for snack foods. 

Materials enter the input of the conveying tube and fall into compartments separated by discs attached to a central cable, which glide the materials to the next step of processing or packaging without air or excessive force. The enclosed tubular container with modular compartments separated by the cable’s discs helps preserve proportions in snack blends and mixes while ensuring product integrity.

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Cablevey Conveyors
Cablevey Conveyors is a leading world-wide tubular drag conveyor manufacturer based in Oskaloosa, Iowa. For over 45 years, we’ve engineered, installed and maintained cable and tube conveyors in over 65 countries around the world.