NEW MRC01 Robot Controller
Featured Product from Oriental Motor USA
Oriental Motor USA is pleased to announce the introduction of the new MRC01 Robot Controller to its line of drivers and controllers.
This new robot controller supports easy programming and control designed specifically for in-house designed custom-built robots with 3 simple steps: “Initial Setup”, “Operation Programming” and “Operational Checking”. Use the AZ Series Family of products to support your in-house design for improved performance and ease of use.
The key features of the new MRC0 Robot Controller:
- Direct control via EtherNet/IP™
- The "Programming Software MRC Studio" has been prepared to simplify setting up custom-built robots from the initial setting step to the operation programming step.
- A trial version of the MRC Studio is also available to allow customers the chance to experience the operation of the MRC01 before purchase.
- Available driver combinations
- AZ Series built-in controller type drivers (AC/DC)
- AZ Series mini driver RS-485 communication type (24/48 VDC)
To learn more about Oriental Motor’s new MRC01 robot controller, contact the Technical Support group at 800-468-3982 or email,, or visit the web page at:
Since its founding in Japan in 1885, Oriental Motor has been a world leader in motion control systems. For over a century, we have concentrated on technological advancement and product design improvement — an emphasis evident in the sophisticated devices we market today.
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