Newly Engineered Norton NORaX® Abrasive Belts Offer Significantly Improved Finishing, Polishing Performance. The engineered abrasive layer wears away consistently exposing new, sharp, abrasive grains providing longer belt life, higher quality finish, faster cut rate, and an ability to skip finishing steps.
Made with layers of non-woven surface conditioning material for added life, fewer disc changes, and vibration reduction, the new Norton Vortex Rapid Prep flap discs are designed to increase productivity.
(read more)Quantum Prime: Unparalleled grinding productivity across multiple applications.
(read more)Norton Clipper has two new diamond blades designed for fast, smooth cutting of hard materials: Norton Clipper Slicer Turbo Mesh and the improved Norton Clipper Aero-Jet.
(read more)Norton FAB (Fixed Abrasive Buff) innovative buffing wheels can achieve superior results and long life with minimal buffing compound required.
(read more)Grind cooler with lower Specific Grinding Energy (SGE) with our new vitrified cBN Norton Winter Vitron7 wheels. Producing reliable 30% longer life than any other vitrified cBN wheel, the high-precision vitrified bond was specifically designed for external grinding cam and crank shafts and internal grinding in automotive and bearing applications.
(read more)Learn about the common stainless steel finishes and discover how innovations in abrasives technology can reduce process steps to deliver the desired finish.
(read more)New Norton Stellar disc grinding wheels deliver excellent surface finishes throughout the life of the wheels while offering improved wheel life, increased parts per wheel and lower cost per part.
(read more)Learn how Norton TOROS LDCO wheels are raising the bar for productivity and performance with the newest technology for large diameter cut-off applications.
(read more)With the RapidPrep XHD discs, Norton has gone beyond delivering a faster cut and longer life to reducing application steps. Now you can remove weld lines, weld splatter, weld discoloration and blend surfaces in a SINGLE STEP.
(read more)It is commonly accepted that “Load” or “Current” grinding, which is when a prescribed amount of wheel pressure is applied to the roll body and is measured by Amps or percentage of motor power, is the fastest way to remove stock from the roll with a grinding wheel. But have you ever wondered at what point a grinding wheel reaches it maximum potential
(read more)Get superior form holding and burn-free grinding with Norton Xtrimium wheels for worm grinding, profile grinding, and bevel grinding.
We’ve answered the demands for a cleaner and safer working environment with Norton MeshPower discs. The open construction of the mesh backing allows dust particles to flow freely through the thousands of tiny holes, creating a virtually dust free sanding environment.
(read more)Norton Finium Microfinishing film lets you maximize stock removal and achieve a better finish in automotive engine component applications.
(read more)Reduce Your Finishing Operation's Steps with Norton's Rapid Finish General Purpose Convolute Wheels
(read more)Grind Today; Hear Tomorrow; Outperform Always
See how Norton Century45 centerless wheels enhance production and safety with improved noise reduction, faster cycle times and increased product life. Learn More!
(read more)Because Right Choices Matter
See How Norton Quantum3 depressed center wheels will give operators increased comfort, with less grinding time, downtime and waste.
(read more)Norton Vortex Rapid Prep belts are the better choice for surface conditioning applications where productivity and efficiency improvements can be measured. Watch Video!
(read more)Take your toolroom operation to a whole new level. Our exclusive Norton Vitriumᵌ bond is reshaping toolroom wheel applications with our new popular-size stock, and made-to-order offering. Learn More!
(read more)A Paradigm Shift in Cutting Tool ManufacturingTM - Experience the performance advantages of Norton Paradigm Diamond Grinding Wheels. Learn More!
(read more)Make the Right Choice More Comfortable with Norton Gemini Right Cut Cut-Off Wheels - Watch Video to Learn More!
(read more)Superior Performance & Unrivaled Dust Extraction
Reduce costs and increase your productivity with these next-generation multi-hole vacuum sanding discs.
(read more)Mini 2" and 3" TR and TS flap discs are ideal for jobs requiring a small areas of contact, and are packaged for retail/walk-in selling and small jobs. Choose Norton Blaze or BlueFire mini flap discs - Learn More!
(read more)Norton's Gemini line of RightCut wheels for Aluminum cutting and grinding applications. See how Norton Gemini RightCut wheels outperform competitive A/O wheels. Watch the video to learn more.
(read more)Provides excellent surface finishing on hard materials like steel, nickel and alloys. A multi-purpose surface finishing product, Rapid Prep products have a high abrasive content for continuous cutting on soft and hard materials.
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