The global importance of SIL (Safety Integrity Levels) has grown substantially in process industries over the years, yet international standards on functional safety can be complex and confusing. This webinar will address methods available to simplify the process of implementing a Safety Instrumented System at your process facility using fixed gas and flame detection equipment to control and mitigate risk.
Topics covered in the presentation include SIL levels and why they are important; meaningful risk assessment tool templates that can easily be modified for use on your future projects; and overall implementation strategies incorporating fixed gas and flame detection equipment for early detection, mitigation, and notification to stakeholders across the organization.
In order to fully understand SIL functional safety and its implications, one must understand the SIL risk management process and the layers of protection required to keep personnel and property safe. Our goal is to establish clear understanding of the purpose and intent of the standards and to help ensure your implementation is fully capable of achieving and also maintaining your risk reduction goals.
Key Takeaways
- Get an introduction to IEC 61508/61511
- Discover how to use Risk Assessment tools
- Ascertain how to measure and implement risk mitigation effects using layers of protection
- Learn how to simplify a risk assessment
- Understand the responsibilities associated with Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
Miller has over 30 years of direct experience in the high-hazard safety systems industry, serving in a variety of professional roles including compliance engineering, quality management and technical compliance management. He is the current chairman of both the U.S. (UL STP9200) and International (IEC TC31 MT60079-29/JWG45) Combustible & Toxic Gas Detection Performance standards development committees.