Band Heaters Suppliers in New Jersey

Band heaters are ring-shaped heaters that clamp onto a cylindrical object and heat via conductive heat transfer. (more)
Radwell International
Address: 1 Millennium Drive, Willingboro, NJ 08046 United States
Business Type: Distributor, Service
Description: From Brian Radwell, Founder of Radwell International "At Radwell, we specialize in the distribution and restoration of industrial electrical components and electronic control devices. Our expertise encompasses the sale and refurbishment of an array of essential components such as timers,... (more)



  • Address: 1 Millennium Drive, Willingboro, NJ
  • Address: 1 Millennium Drive, Willingboro, NJ
Address: PO Box 636, Lumberton, NJ 08048 USA
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: DRUM-MATES® Inc., is a designer, manufacturer and wholesaler supplying through our Authorized Supplier Network. It has been serving general industries since 1963. We are a recognized manufacturer and primary supplier of superior quality, technically advanced industrial equipment for drums, IBCs... (more)


TIP TEMPerature Products, Inc.
Address: 340 W. Broad Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 United States
Business Type: Distributor
Description: TIPTEMP is a company with trusted advisors that share 50+ years of thermal knowledge. When you need to accurately monitor, record and alert key personnel of unfavorable environmental conditions... You need TIPTEMP! Our most popular products include high accuracy digital thermometers... (more)


WAAGE Electric, Inc.
Address: 720 Colfax Ave., Kenilworth, NJ 07033 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: Waage Electric Inc. manufactures electric heating devices for our customers in any industry requiring high quality, reliable and efficient heating units for industrial and commercial applications. We are seasoned manufacturers of a complete line of electric heating equipment, Wax & Soft... (more)
