Megohmmeters Suppliers in Wilmington, North Carolina

Megohmmeters generate high voltage, low current signals for testing the breakdown strength of electrical insulation. They are called megohmmeters because the insulating resistance of a properly designed product is expressed in mega ohms (MOmega: Ohms ). (more)
All-Spec Industries
Address: 5228 US Hwy. 421 N., Wilmington, NC 28401 USA
Business Type: Distributor
Description: All-Spec Industries started out as All-Spec Static Control in Queens, N.Y. in 1988, and specialized exclusively in static control equipment, testers, and materials. In 1996 the Company moved to Wilmington, N.C., and expanded their emphasis to a broader range of ESD materials, electronic... (more)


Global Test Supply
Address: 312 Raleigh Street, Suite 9, Wilmington, NC 28412 United States
Business Type: Distributor
