Megohmmeters Suppliers in Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Megohmmeters generate high voltage, low current signals for testing the breakdown strength of electrical insulation. They are called megohmmeters because the insulating resistance of a properly designed product is expressed in mega ohms (MOmega: Ohms ). (more)
Serv-I-Quip, Inc.
Address: 127 Wallace Ave., Downingtown, PA 19335-2640 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: Serv-I-Quip delivers advanced manufacturing technology, proven industrial design, and extensive experience tested on the assembly lines of HVAC, Appliance, Vehicle, and Tier 1 Parts manufacturers. Established in 1981, Serv-I-Quip began as a spinoff from the Freon® Products Laboratory... (more)
