Differentials and Axles Suppliers in North Carolina

A differential is a mechanical connection that translates rotational motion from a source to two axles. The driveshaft generally runs the length of the vehicle, from the energy input (a motor) to the energy output (the wheels). The axle of the driving wheels is split, with the driveshaft transferring motion through gearing arrangements to maintain a uniform direction and speed of the (live) axles. This arrangement is very common in rear-wheel drive cars and trucks, but is also employed in aircraft, production machinery and equipment, trains, and ships.

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Aftermarket Parts, Inc.
Address: 150 Market Street, New Bern, NC 28560 United States
Business Type: Distributor


Comer Industries, Inc.
Address: 12730 Virkler Drive PO Box 410305, Charlotte, NC 28273 USA
Business Type: Manufacturer
Description: Comer Industries is a global leader in the design and production of advanced engineering systems and mechatronic solutions for power transmission, supplied to major manufacturers of agricultural machinery, construction equipment, industrial and renewable energy applications worldwide.... (more)


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Kessler Inc.
Address: 7171 Stinson Hartis Rd., Indian Trail, NC 28079 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer
