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Design Services:

Testing Services:


Production Capabilities:

Material Acquisition:


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   Design Services       
   Your choices are...         
   Conceptual Product Development       Vendors provide conceptual designs during product development. 
   Mechanical Design Services       Vendors provide mechanical design services. 
   Electrical Design Services       Vendors provide electrical design services. 
   Software Design Services       Vendors provide software design services. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary design services. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Testing Services       
   Your choices are...         
   Agency Compliance Testing       Agency compliance testing certifies that products meet the safety and quality requirements of one or more agencies. 
   Analytical Laboratory Testing       Vendors provide analytical services to assist in quality control, process monitoring, failure investigation, and research and development. 
   Automated Optical Inspection       Computer-based, automated optical inspection analyzes an image of an in-process or completed PCB and locates defects such as broken traces, excess copper or solder, etching problems, and the misregistration of holes to the circuit pattern. 
   Environmental Testing       Environmental testing is a procedure that simulates the environmental conditions to which a product may be exposed.  Temperature, humidity, and vibration tests are some examples. 
   Functional Testing       Functional testing is a procedure in which an assembly's overall operational characteristics are tested by simulating normal function. 
   In-circuit Testing       In-circuit testing (ICT) is a procedure in which the circuit nodes of an assembly are accessed by pin-type probes to test individual components within the circuit. 
   X-Ray Testing       X-Ray testing is a non-destructive technique that provides a thorough analysis of varying densities. Inspection of assemblies can be performed with submicron defect recognition. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary testing services. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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   Your choices are...         
   Printed Circuit Board Assembly       Vendors provide printed circuit board (PCB) assembly services. 
   Flexible Printed Circuit Board Assembly       Vendors are capable of working with flexible PCBs (as opposed to rigid boards). 
   Rigid-Flexible Printed Circuit Board Assembly       Vendors can populate rigid-flexible PCBs. These are rigid boards with flexible interconnects. 
   Microelectronic, Flip Chip       Flip chips are integrated circuits (ICs) that use a specific number of bumps to provide electrical and mechanical interconnections. Flip chips are designed for facedown mounting. 
   Microelectronic, Chip On Board       Chi-on-board (COB) technology bonds bare dies to boards or substrates. Wire bond connections are made from board to die. 
   Optoelectronic Assembly       Vendors assemble devices that function as electrical-to-optical or optical-to-electrical transducers. They also assemble instruments that include these devices. Examples of optoelectronic devices include light emitting diodes (LEDs), injection laser diodes, and photodiodes that are used regularly in optical fiber communications. 
   RF / Wireless Assembly       Vendors assemble devices that function as RF or wireless transmitters, receivers or transceivers.  They also assemble instruments that include these devices. Examples of RF and wireless devices include radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs), telecommunication devices, and other wireless devices that are used regularly in telecommunications and wireless data transfer systems. 
   Through Hole Assembly       Through hole technology (THT) mounts components on a PCB by inserting component leads through holes in the board and then soldering the leads in place on the opposite side of the board. 
   Surface Mount Assembly       Surface mount technology (SMT) adds components to a PCB by soldering component leads or terminals to the top surface of the board. SMT components have a flat surface that is soldered to a flat pad on the face of the PCB. Typically, the PCB pad is coated with a paste-like formulation of solder and flux. With careful placement, SMT components on solder paste remain in position until elevated temperatures, usually from an infrared oven, melt the paste and solder the component leads to the PCB pads.   Industry-standard pick-and-place equipment can mount SMT components quickly, accurately, and cost-effectively. SMT is a widely used alternative to mounting processes that insert pins or terminals through holes and solder leads into place on the opposite side of the board. Surface mounted components are usually smaller than equivalent through-hole leaded devices and, in some cases, are also less expensive. 
   System Assembly       Vendors assemble populated board into larger assemblies. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary design process. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Production Capabilities       
   Your choices are...         
   Prototype / Low Volume       Vendors produce prototypes or small production runs. 
   Mid Volume       Vendors produce medium-sized quantities. 
   High Volume       Vendors produce large quantities of products.  
   Quick Turn       Vendors can produce samples in a relatively short time. For example, quick-turn vendors can often assemble PCBs within 48 hour of receiving all board-level components. 
   Cabling       Vendors can attach cables to electronic assemblies. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary production services. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Material Acquisition       
   Your choices are...         
   Customer Supplied       Vendors build products from customer-supplied or consignment materials. 
   Vendor Supplied       Vendors supply all of the materials for production. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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   Your choices are...         
   North America       Companies are located in the United States, Canada or Mexico. 
   United States Only       Companies are located in the United States. 
   Northeast US Only       Companies are located in the Northeast United States, namely Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. 
   Southern US Only       Companies are located in the Southern United States, namely Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. 
   Southwest US Only       Companies are located in the Southwest United States, namely Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. 
   Northwest US Only       Companies are located in the Northwest United States, namely Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. 
   Midwest US Only       Companies are located in the Midwest United States, namely Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. 
   Canada Only       Companies are located in Canada. 
   South / Central America Only       Companies have facilities in South American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, or Chile; or in Central American countries such as Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, etc. 
   Europe Only       Companies are located in Europe, namely Germany, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, etc. 
   South Asia Only       Companies are located in South Asia, namely India, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. 
   Near East Only       Companies are located in the Near East, namely Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc. 
   East Asia / Pacific Only       Companies are located in East Asia, namely China, Japan, Taiwan, etc. 
   Other       Other unlisted country or region. 
   Search Logic:      Products with the selected attribute will be returned as matches. Leaving or selecting "No Preference" will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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