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Help with Marking Services and Engraving Services specifications:

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   3D Engraving       Three-dimensional (3D) engraving is a routing procedure in which the tool bit can be moved independently along the up-and-down z-axis while still traveling an x/y-axis tool path. 3D engraving can create relieves and hand-chiseled looks while removing material from a substrate. 
   CNC Engraving       Computer numerical control (CNC) engraving is a high-accuracy, high-speed process that provides four-axis control. 
   Dot Peening / Dot Peen Marking       Dot peening presses a marker-stylus against the surface of the material. Color is then added to the depressions. Dot peen marking is an impact-marking technique that produces a series of closely-spaced dots which resemble a solid line. The workpiece must have sufficient hardness so that material memory does not return the surface to its original condition. Dot peen marking is suitable for metals in the range of 62 Rockwell, and can be used with plastics and hardwoods. 
   Dry Offset Printing       Dry offset printing uses a small dispersion of ink in the form of a thin film to produce designs around an entire plastic surface. Dry offset printing is best-suited for light-plastic printing. 
   Electrical Discharge Machining       Electrical discharge machining (EDM) removes metal from a workpiece by burning instead of cutting or grinding. 
   Electrochemical Marking / Etching       Electrochemical and etching processes selectively remove material from a surface in order to mark the product. Etching processes use acids or chemicals to attack and dissolve material that is not protected by a mask layer. Electrochemical marking uses a stencil and a marking applicator moistened with an electrolyte solution. Because the process passes a small amount of electrical current through the stencil, the part must have a conductive metal surface. Electrochemical marking does not weaken or distort metal parts because the molecular structure of the part is not altered beyond the depth of the mark. Images that can be produced include logos, trademarks, part numbers, scales, and graphics. Permanent markings from 0.030" to 2.0" can be marked on any conductive metallic material, including: aluminum, brass, carbide, nickel plate, stainless steel, titanium, and even heat treated metals. 
   Embossing / Debossing       Embossing impresses a raised design onto a material and then applies ink or foil to the raised area. There are two basic embossing techniques: blind and foil. Blind embossing does not apply colors. In other words, the embossed design is the same color as the surrounding material. Foil embossing heats the material and then embosses the image over heat-resistant ink. Debossing is the opposite of embossing. With debossing, the imprinted design causes depressions in the material.   
   Hot Stamping       Hot stamping is a dry printing process that prevents the penetration of light. Hot stamping is used strictly with flat surfaces. A heating press stamps the image through a metallic fold, which burns the image on top of the surface. 
   Indent Marking       Indent marking uses a stylus to indent the surface of the material. Indent marking can be performed on flat or curved surfaces and does not require preparation of the material. This category also includes inlays and embedded printing techniques. 
   Laser Marking / Laser Engraving       Laser marking and laser engraving is performed by a computer-controlled laser beam. It is used to discolor the surface of a component or to engrave it by vaporizing the material. The laser can be positioned and controlled very accurately, allowing for a variety of effects to be achieved. Laser marking is well-suited for barcodes or 2D matrix codes, patent information, and company logos. It can be performed on a variety of materials, including stainless steel, plastics, and ceramics. 
   Letterpress Printing       Letterpress printing originally used moveable metal type, but now uses photopolymer plates. The use of photopolymer materials with special films and ultraviolet (UV) light allows images to be pressed upon the product’s surface.  
   Pad Printing       Pad printing or transfer pad printing is used with products of odd shapes, sizes, or materials. The image is transferred from one surface (a silicon pad) to another (the workpiece).  
   Rotary Engraving       Rotary engraving uses carbide tools, either in a fixed or rotating position. These tools travel along vectors and can be used with a variety of materials. Rotary engraving is used to polish the surface of a material (burnishing), or to displace or remove the material altogether (diamond drag and deep cutting). In general, rotary engraving produces deeper cuts and longer-lasting workpieces than laser engraving. 
   Screen Printing / Silk Screening       Screen printing stores ink in a screen made of silk or another mesh material. A squeegee forces the ink through the screen and onto the workpiece. Screen printing produces high-quality images, but is not suitable for products with odd shapes. 
   Scribing       Scribing machines use a diamond or tungsten-carbide point to scribe text into a material through surface removal. 
   Sublimation Transfer       Sublimation transfer uses heat and pressure to transfer an image onto the material. The dye in sublimation ink is then trapped within the material's fibers. 
   Water Jet / Abrasive Machining       Waterjet and abrasive machining is a process in which a jet of water and abrasive is directed at the material to be machined. The result is a very small-width cut that allows for the precise marking of a piece. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary capabilities. 
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   Printing Capabilities       
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   Bar Code / Matrix Code       Companies print bar codes or matrix codes, standard forms of identification used in inventory management, pricing, and shipping. Universal product codes (UPC) are bar codes which are scanned at point-of-sale (POS) locations. 
   Certification / Regulatory Symbols       Companies print certification or regulatory symbols that indicate compliance with standards from organizations such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), or the Council of Europe (CE). 
   Logos / Graphics       Companies print logos or graphics. They may provide graphic design capabilities. 
   Serial Numbers       Companies print serial numbers to indicate product model numbers, agency certifications, unit identification numbers, etc. 
   Semi-permanent       Companies print with semi-permanent markings, often by stamping them with inks that can be washed away with special solvents. 
   Other       Other unlisted, specialized, or proprietary printing capabilities. 
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   Metals       Metals are a broad category of materials that usually have a shiny surface and grayish color. They are good conductors of electricity and heat, and can be melted or fused, hammered into thin sheets, or drawn into wire. Common metals include: steel, copper, gold silver, tin, iron, lead, aluminum, and magnesium. 
   Plastics       Plastics are a broad category of organic, synthetic, or processed materials that are mostly thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high molecular weight. Plastics can be made into objects, films, or filaments. 
   Rubber       Rubber consists of natural or synthetic polymers characterized by elasticity, high abrasion resistance, and fluid and chemical resistance. Natural rubber includes gum rubber (polyisoprene) and latex. Synthetic rubber includes grades such as Norprene® (St. Gobain), neoprene, and silicone. 
   Glass       Glass is a large class of materials with variable mechanical and optical properties. Glass is hard and brittle, usually transparent or translucent, and made of a mixture of silicates. Because it is formed by cooling from a molten state without crystallization, glass is considered to be a cooled liquid rather than a true solid.  
   Stone / Marble / Granite       Stone is concentrated earthy or mineral matter (rock). Granite is a hard, natural, igneous rock consisting chiefly of quartz, orthoclase or microcline, and mica. Marble is a metamorphic rock formed by the alteration of limestone. 
   Composites       Composites are solid materials made of two or more substances that have distinct properties. When merged, each substance retains its own characteristics while giving the entire composition beneficial properties. An example of a composite is a plastic material in which a fibrous framework is embedded for greater structural stability. 
   Foam       Foam is a broad category of lightweight, porous, semi-rigid or spongy materials. 
   Other       Other, unlisted materials. 
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   Services Offered:       
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   CAD / CAM Support       Computer aided design or drafting (CAD) is used to design products quickly and accurately. Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) is used to fabricate products directly from CAD outputs. 
   Design Assistance       Companies that provide design assistance can help with concepts, manufacturing costs, manufacturing techniques and material considerations such as sourcing. They may also be able to assist with upgrading, redesigning, reevaluating or modernizing existing products to increase performance and/or reduce manufacturing costs. 
   Prototype       Companies can produce prototypes for visual or tryout inspection. 
   Short Run       Companies provide short-run or low-volume production. 
   Production       Companies provide full-scale or high-volume production runs. 
   Inspection / Quality Control       Companies provide quality control (QC) inspection reports or statistical process control data. 
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   North America       Companies are located in the United States, Canada or Mexico. 
   United States Only       Companies are located in the United States. 
   Northeast US Only       Companies are located in the Northeast United States, namely Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. 
   Southern US Only       Companies are located in the Southern United States, namely Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. 
   Southwest US Only       Companies are located in the Southwest United States, namely Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah. 
   Northwest US Only       Companies are located in the Northwest United States, namely Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. 
   Midwest US Only       Companies are located in the Midwest United States, namely Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. 
   Canada Only       Companies are located in Canada. 
   South / Central America Only       Companies have facilities in South American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, or Chile; or in Central American countries such as Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, etc. 
   Europe Only       Companies are located in Europe, namely Germany, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, etc. 
   South Asia Only       Companies are located in South Asia, namely India, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. 
   Near East Only       Companies are located in the Near East, namely Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc. 
   East Asia / Pacific Only       Companies are located in East Asia, namely China, Japan, Taiwan, etc. 
   Other       Other unlisted countries or regions. 
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