Technical Articles

Meter Group has published these technical articles:

(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
From this Article:
A moisture sorption isotherm for a food product is the relationship between water activity (aw) and moisture content at a given temperature. This relationship is complex and unique for each product...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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The importance of water in determining product safety and stability has long been recognized. The ancient natural preserving practices of salting, sugaring, brining, and dehydrating limit the growth...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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A soil moisture characteristic is a relationship between water potential and water content for a soil. Information from a moisture characteristic is frequently used to determine the plant available...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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A moisture release curve, also known as a soil moisture characteristic, relates the water potential of a particular soil to its water content. This information is important for describing water...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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The terms moisture content and water content are often used interchangeably and represent a measure of the quantity of water in a product. Moisture content provides valuable information about yield...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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Since the introduction of the ECH2O soil moisture probe, there has been considerable interest in using them to measure volumetric water content of soil-less media such as potting soils, rockwool, and...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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The terms moisture content and water content are often used interchangeably and represent a measure of the quantity of water in a product. Moisture content provides valuable information about yield...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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The relationship between water activity (aw) and moisture content at a given temperature is called the moisture sorption isotherm. This relationship is complex and unique for each product due to...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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Knowledge of the water activity of pharmaceutical solids (proteins, drugs, and excipients) is essential to obtain a solid dosage form with optimal chemical, physical, microbial and shelf-life...
(Product and Material Testing)
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One factor that may affect the water activity (aw) measurement is the sample preparation procedure. Eliminating or reducing this potential variable will yield more consistent and reliable water...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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The relationship between water activity (aw) and temperature of saturated salt solutions generally follows the following empirical model: ln(aw) = k1/T - k2...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
From this Article:
Moisture content is a measure of the quantity of water in a product and the terms moisture content and water content are often used interchangeably. Moisture content provides valuable information...
(Temperature Sensing)
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The KD2 and KD2 Pro use the transient heated needle to measure thermal properties of solid and fluid media. With this technique, a 30 second heat pulse is applied to a needle, and the temperature...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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One of the advantages of plastics is their freedom from attack by ambient moisture conditions. However, in the resin state prior to processing, plastics can absorb moisture. Failure to remove this...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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Water activity is derived from fundamental principles of thermodynamics and physical chemistry. As a thermodynamic principle there are requirement in defining water activity that must be met. These...
(Humidity and Moisture Sensing)
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Pet food safety is an important issue in the Pet Food and Feed Industries as a result of several high profile product recalls that have recently occurred. With the anticipation of new government...