CR-410 Chroma Meter - Colorimeter

Featured Product from Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc.

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The CR-410 Chroma Meter is built to measure the color of samples with texture, uneven surface conditions, or a lot of color variation. Through standard or customized evaluation formulas, this reliable colorimeter is used to average the color of a sample or batch with variation in appearance, identify differences in color between samples, and provide pass/fail assessments to immediately determine if the sample meets the defined standard. This makes the CR-410 ideal for color inspections of food, building material, and textile applications.

The CR-410 Chroma Meter is compatible with SpectraMagic NX software to store measurement results and provide a more comprehensive color analysis, as well as an optional data processor to print results on-site.

Measurement area: Ø50 mm