Microprocessor Chips (MPU) Suppliers in Indiana

Microprocessor chips (MPU) are silicon devices that serve as the central processing unit (CPU) in computers. They contain thousands of electronic components and use a collection of machine instructions to perform mathematical operations and move data from one memory location to another. (more)
Find Microprocessor Chips (MPU) by city
Radwell International
Address: 600 N Forsythe Street, Franklin, IN 46131 United States
Business Type: Distributor, Service
Description: From Brian Radwell, Founder of Radwell International "At Radwell, we specialize in the distribution and restoration of industrial electrical components and electronic control devices. Our expertise encompasses the sale and refurbishment of an array of essential components such as timers,... (more)


McShanes, Inc.
Address: 312 Roberts Road, Chesterton, IN 46304 United States
Business Type: Manufacturer
