Supplier: Sanborn Technologies
Description: Patriot IFR Systems Integrated Fluid Recovery For Automated Batch Operations Patriot coolant recovery systems incorporate Sanborn Technologies' Integrated Fluid Recovery (IFR) technology for exceptional performance. A high speed 3-phase Mitsubishi disc centrifuge is at the
- Application / Industry Use: Heat Transfer Fluids, Oil / Fuel
- Centrifugal Separators: All Centrifugal Separators, Centrifuge
Supplier: System of Systems, Inc.
Description: Icing & Freezing Rain Testing Icing and freezing rain tests evaluate the effect icing may have on the operational capability of materials and de-icing equipment. Custom processes can be added to our standard design that generate ice conditions typically seen at high altitudes in
- Configuration: Walk-In
Supplier: Sanborn Technologies
Description: Pioneer IFR Systems Integrated Fluid Recovery For Central Systems The Pioneer IFR system is designed for continuous or on-line purification of central coolant sumps. These systems utilize micro-processor controls and an automatic, self-discharging Mitsubishi disc centrifuge
- Application / Industry Use: Heat Transfer Fluids, Oil / Fuel
- Centrifugal Separators: All Centrifugal Separators, Centrifuge
Supplier: ValueTronics International, Inc.
Description: The 2955 is a communication analyzer from IFR. A communication analyzer is a superior type of electronic test equipment for physical layer, circuit, and new technology testing. Anyone in the business of testing data networks can use a communication analyzer for the
Supplier: ValueTronics International, Inc.
Description: The RCTS-002HQ is a communication analyzer from IFR . A communication analyzer is a superior type of electronic test equipment for physical layer, circuit, and new technology testing. Anyone in the business of testing data networks can use a communication analyzer
Supplier: ValueTronics International, Inc.
Description: The 1500 is a communication analyzer from IFR . A communication analyzer is a superior type of electronic test equipment for physical layer, circuit, and new technology testing. Anyone in the business of testing data networks can use a communication analyzer for
Supplier: ValueTronics International, Inc.
Description: The 6204B is a communication analyzer from IFR . A communication analyzer is a superior type of electronic test equipment for physical layer, circuit, and new technology testing. Anyone in the business of testing data networks can use a communication analyzer for
Supplier: Gulfstream Aerospace
Description: . For leading-edge achievement in designing, testing and building an innovative aircraft while incorporating measurable safety enhancements and far-reaching advances in aerospace technology... Evaluation from the National Aeronautic Association of the G550 when its design team was awarded the
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EETimes.com | Electronics Industry News for EEs & Engineering Managers
, production, installation, field services and network optimization. Once the acquisition is complete, Aeroflex will likely Racal's products with its other test solutions. They include spectrum analyzers, power meters and other instruments acquired from IFR Systems. Aeroflex buys Racal wireless group
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Software defined radio approach to distance measuring equipment
After the DME interrogator block is finalized and the flowchart is fully functional, the real time DME system is validated using the test equipment IFR 6000 developed by Aeroflex [17], which is operated manually.
Chemical Technology Division progress report, October 1, 1989--June 30, 1991
integrated equipment test IFR .
IFR Lands $4 Million Order
Test equipment manufacturer IFR Systems has received a $4.1 million order from the Royal Air Force.
Chemical Technology Division progress report, July 1, 1991--December 31, 1992
integrated equipment test (CFRP) IFR .
BT Grants IFR $8.1 Million Contract
"As BT's primary service vendor, IFR will be responsible for calibration and maintenance of telecommunications test equipment manufactured by IFR as well as third parties," says Michael McCreary, director of operations for IFR in the UK.
Compact planar antennas for ultra-wideband applications
The characteristics of the antenna have been measured by the equipment Microwave Test Set IFR 62038 to test the design.
A design and adjustment method for ultrawideband microstrip antenna design
specifications are measured and adjusted by the equipment Microwave Test Set IFR 6203B.
Federal Register > Wednesday, January 10, 1996 > [61 FR 864] Small Passenger Vessel Inspection and Certification
… the Coast Guard has added recordkeeping requirements to §§122.420, 122.520, 122.524, 122.728, 185.420, 185.520, 185.524, and 185.728 in order to easily verify compliance with crew training and equipment testing requirements contained in the IFR .
IFR Simplifies Project 25 Testing With NEW State-Of-The-Art Modular Digital Test Platform
IFR 's 2975 digital radio test platform tests radio equipment to ensure compliance under the Project 25 standards, including: .
IFR Simplifies Project 25 Testing With NEW State-Of-The-Art Modular Digital Test Platform
IFR 's 2975 digital radio test platform tests radio equipment to ensure compliance under the Project 25 standards, including: .