Products/Services for Load Cell Turnbuckle

  • Load Cells-Image
    Load Cells - (407 companies)
    Load cells are force sensors that often incorporate mechanical packaging to fit into testing and monitoring systems. They can be used for tension, compression, and/or shear measurement, and can be configured to measure force or load along one...
    Multi-Axis (if required)
    Force Measured
    Load Cell Package
  • Turnbuckles-Image
    Turnbuckles - (172 companies)
    ...diameter (ID), inner diameter (ID), total diameter, eye thickness, and maximum load. Turnbuckle hooks carry specifications such as jaw type, throat opening, jaw thickness, maximum load, jaw ID, and total diameter. Measurements such as hole-center...
  • Photovoltaic Cells-Image
    Photovoltaic Cells - (205 companies)
    ...of the solar cell. Open circuit voltage - The open circuit voltage is the maximum voltage of the cell when the device is under infinite load, or in an open-circuit situation. Short circuit current- The short circuit current is the maximum current...
  • Force and Load Sensors-Image
    Force and Load Sensors - (591 companies)
    ...database enables industrial buyers to source these types of force and load sensors. Tension cells are used for measuring a straight-line force "pull apart" along a single axis, and are characterized typically as positive-force devices. Compression cells...
  • Electronic Loads and Load Banks-Image
    Electronic Loads and Load Banks - (124 companies)
    Electronic loads and load banks are used to test electrical and electronic equipment. They mimic load requirements for testing and troubleshooting purposes. Types of Electronic Loads and Load Banks. There are four basic types of electronic loads...
    Loading Arms - (48 companies)
    Loading arms are used to load liquids into tanks, trucks, railcars, and other vehicles. They are commonly used in fueling and fluid transfer applications. Loading arms are available in a variety of sizes, lengths, and designs. Most are made...
    Load Centers - (47 companies)
    Load centers are used for the protection and distribution of power in a building or residence. They are also called circuit breaker boxes. Typically, load centers mount on a wall. Power from the mains enters the breaker box and is connected...
    Fuel Cells - (115 companies)
    Fuel cells produce electricity and heat electrochemically by combining oxygen from the air with a fuel, preferably hydrogen, from methanol, natural gas, or petroleum. Reformers are often used in conjunction with fuel cells. Fuel cells and fuel cell...
    Hot Cells - (9 companies)
    How to Select Hot Cells. Hot cells are shielded radiation containment chambers that allow operators to safely handle and manipulate radioactive isotopes. They are used in both the nuclear energy industry and in nuclear medicine. Construction. Hot...
    Photoconductive Cells - (43 companies)
    Photoconductive cells are light-sensitive resistors, in which resistance decreases with an increase in light intensity when illuminated. Photoconductive cells are light-sensitive resistors in which resistance decreases with an increase in light...

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National Bolt & Nut Corporation
Keystone Electronics Corp.
Atlantic Rubber Company, Inc.