Products/Services for Opc Client Solaris

    OPC (OLE Process Control) Servers - (2 companies)
    OPC (OLE Process Control) servers use OLE Process Control (OPC) network software, which is designed to communicate among all industrial devices using the Microsoft OLE technology. An OPC server is the the central software that handles thiis...
  • Computer Terminals-Image
    Computer Terminals - (90 companies)
    Thin clients are network computers that are especially small so that most data processing occurs on the server. Thin clients are powered by centralized servers and do not contain CD-ROM drives, disc drives, and expansion slots. Thin clients...
  • Advertising and Marketing Services-Image
    Advertising and Marketing Services - (6623 companies)
    Advertising and marketing services evaluate client requirements, develop promotional strategies, implement plans for product branding, and manage advertising campaigns. They also design point-of-purchase displays (POP), develop business-to-business...
    Machine Fabrication Services - (139 companies)
    Machine fabrication services build custom machinery for their clients. They either build from a client's plans and documentation, or build to a client's specified requirements. Machine fabrication services involve building machinery of any type...
  • Web Application Software-Image
    Web Application Software - (320 companies)
    Web application software is used in the design, implementation, optimization and maintenance of web sites and web clients. These tools include web browsers, plug-ins, scripting languages, and other similar applications. Web application software...
    VPN Software - (14 companies) a particular VPN protocol and then encapsulated within another carrier or base protocol (typically Internet Protocol or IP). After their transmission between the VPN client and the VPN server, the packets are de-encapsulated. VPN connections require both...
    Communication Site Maintenance Services - (67 companies)
    Communication site maintenance services maintain remote communication sites and client-owned (CO) infrastructure and equipment. They perform preventive maintenance and/or corrective maintenance and differ in terms of capabilities. Some communication...
    Customer Service and Support Software - (49 companies)
    Customer service and customer support software are methods that companies use to interact with clients and customers. Methods include employee training and special purpose customer support software Customer service and customer support software...
    Professional Photography and Videography Services - (186 companies)
    Professional Photography and Professional Videography Services work with clients to provide videos and photographs for a variety of purposes including advertising, training, documentation and employee communication. Professional photography...
    Document Scanning Services - (58 companies)
    Document scanning service providers convert text and graphics from paper, film, or other non-digital 2D media to digital formats as requested by their clients. Document scanning service providers convert text and graphics from paper, film, or other...

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  • HP Announces Support for MS DNA, HP RTAP Version 8.0
    HP offers versions of HP RTAP for HP-UX, Sun Solaris and DEC Unix operating systems. .... The new server software includes an operational data historian and a client featuring OLE for process control ( OPC ).
  • OPC UA based Field Device Integration
    …was tested with a variety of operating systems including Windows XP, Linux, UNIX, Solaris , Mac OS and .... Fig. 7 Topology of the prototype On the client side the prototype was also extended in various .... In this case, SAP was extended to act as an OPC UA client communicating to the DIMs…
  • Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications
    …to operate in multiple platforms that they had differ- ent Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris , etc.). .... ( OPC , ModBus, etc) • Other: JNI (Java Native Interface) it allowed that Java code link with native .... It was decided to use an architecture based on the pattern Client - Server "Fig. 3", where the…
  • The ESRF TANGO control system status
    12 EXAMPLE OF AN OPC DEVICE SERVER. .... TANGO is actually available on 4 platforms presently Linux (Suse), Windows NT, Solaris and HP- UX. .... C++ and Java are supported for client and/or server.
  • Product Guide
    Platform-independent and available for Windows, Linux and Solaris . .... • Web/Thin Client : For operation by means of a Web browser. .... • Extensive driver and interfacing options: XML, OPC , TCP/IP, Modbus, IEC 60870-5-101/104, DNP3 .
  • Preliminary Design of NCSX Central Computing and Control
    The method is usually through a communication protocol such as IEEE 802, OPC [3], Modbus [4], Channel … NSTX, there will be several improvements; foremost the operating system used for the EPICS clients and servers. .... NCSX will use Linux whereas NSTX relied on proprietary products Solaris (Sun Microsystems) and vxWorks (Wind River…
  • Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers
    …few Bytes to several MB, variation of response times depend weakly on number of clients and messages). .... PLC systems (Beckhoff ADS, ZeroMQ, Doocs-Server for XFEL undulator controls, or Siemens, OPC , CA-server in … NSLS II, Sirius, SLS), Tango (ALBA, ESRF, Soleil, Petra III Beamline, MAX IV, Solaris , Elettra, FERMI), DOOCS…
  • Remote fieldbus system management with Java and XML
    Thus, the CANINSIGHT client is available on all operating system platforms featur- ing a Java 2 runtime environment (e.g. Windows, Solaris , Linux, ...). .... The system presented in [28] uses platform dependent Microsoft OLE for Process Control ( OPC ) [171 technology to…
  • Whose vision of openness? | Archive | The Engineer
    ’ Intec’s Mark Groves goes further, saying that OPC and ActiveX Controls offer users the prospect of … reuse – and our revolutionary network-centric architecture – thick servers and thick pipes, but thin clients . .... hugely scalable workstations and servers, providing the application and database resources – and the Solaris operating system.
  • Investigating the security of electrical power systems SCADA
    No SCADA data encryption 2) Full web operation and monitoring using OPC XML for communication 3) Other .... 3) Supports both open and proprietary protocols 4) With ABB SCADA, clients are expected to implement their .... 5) Supported on IBM AIX6000, SUN/ Solaris and Mo- torola/AIX 6) To ensure data integrity, GE uses…