Supplier: ASTM International
Description: -layer chromatography (TLC) would probably be required. 1.3 If used with HPLC, this practice could be used for the identification of fluorescence spectra generated by optical multichannel analyzers (OMA) or diode-array detectors. 1.4 For simple mixtures, or in the
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: -layer chromatography (TLC) would probably be required. 1.3 If used with HPLC, this practice could be used for the identification of fluorescence spectra generated by optical multichannel analyzers (OMA) or diode-array detectors. 1.4 For simple mixtures, or in the
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: -layer chromatography (TLC) would probably be required. 1.3 If used with HPLC, this practice could be used for the identification of fluorescence spectra generated by optical multichannel analyzers (OMA) or diode-array detectors. 1.4 For simple mixtures, or in the
Supplier: ASTM International
Description: -layer chromatography (TLC) would probably be required. 1.3 If used with HPLC, this practice could be used for the identification of fluorescence spectra generated by optical multichannel analyzers (OMA) or diode-array detectors. 1.4 For simple mixtures, or in the
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Spectra obtained by optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) are consistent with the emission being from the excited ketone formed.
Visible Spectroscopy Of Laser Produced Plasma
In this paper we employ a spectrograph coupled to a gated optical multichannel analyser ( OMA ) in order to obtain temporally resolved optical spectra of laser induced plasma, and Jamin or Mach -Zehnder set -ups coupled with a high speed camera in …
Photonic Data Recorder Development Update
shows the original optical table experimental setup using two HeNe lasers as signal sources and an optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) as a detector.
Rayleigh Temperature Profiles In A Hydrogen Diffusion Flame
Using an argon ion laser producing 7.5 watts at 488 nm and an optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ), the scattered light was imaged into a spectrometer.
Application Of Lasers To Combustion Diagnostics
… are as follows: mirrors Ml -M8; achromatic lenses L2 -L4; simple lenses L1, L5 -L6; filters F1 -F4; dichroic mirrors DM1 -DM2; beamsplitter (70R /30T) BS1; prism Pl; Q- switch Q1; output etalon El; and optical multi- channel analyzer OMA (from Ref.
Time-Resolved Picosecond Laser Spectroscopy
The probe light trans- mitted through the sample is measured by a spectrograph coupled with either a PM tube, T-V system, streak camera, optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) , Reticon , or photographic film.
Techniques For Time Resolved Spectroscopy With Image Detectors
The second generation Optical Multichannel Analyzer ( OMA 2) combines a general purpose optical signal processing computer with self scanned array and vidicon detectors.
Picosecond Emission Spectroscopy
Detection of emission events is made possible with an ultrafast streak camera, whose output display is optically coupled to an optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) interfaced with the direct access memory bank of a computer.
Use Of Picosecond Lasers In Measuring Ultrafast Molecular Processes
An ultrafast shutter driven by a picosecond pulse and an optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) enable the rise of fluorescence to be observed during a single, picosecond exciting pulse.
Investigation of radical ions with time-resolved surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
These methods take advantage of the multi- plexing and signal averaging afforded by optical multichannel analyzer ( OMA ) detection, coupled with the enormous enhancement in signal intensity provided by SERS.