Products/Services for Timber Shoring Systems

  • Trench Shoring Equipment-Image
    Trench Shoring Equipment - (37 companies)
    Trench shoring equipment includes trench shields and other shoring devices that are used to prevent a dug trench from caving-in on workers or equipment. In addition to product type, specifications include depth, width, and materials of construction...
  • Beams, Joists, and Wall Studs-Image
    Beams, Joists, and Wall Studs - (190 companies)
    ...joists are used in roofing projects. Before the joists are fitted, wall plates are installed. In residential construction, these rafters, beams, and joists are mounted and then fitted with firings, lengths of timber that are cut from corner to corner...
  • Spikes-Image
    Spikes - (16 companies)
    ...spike has an L-shaped head and a square shank with a wedge-shaped tip. A standard cut spike can be driven through planking or heavy timber, and can be used for deck or bridge work. A stake is made of wood or metal and sharpened at one end for driving...
  • Scaffolding-Image
    Scaffolding - (181 companies)
    ...exhibition stands, ski ramps and formwork and shoring. Towering structures such as the Great Pyramids of Egypt or ancient Chinese temples identify the early use of scaffolding. However, scaffolding likely predates the ancient Egyptians and Chinese...
    Formwork - (153 companies)
    Formwork are temporary or permanent concrete forms for building structures from concrete.
    Boats, Ships, and Off Shore Vessels - (115 companies)
    Boats, ships and offshore vessels are used to transport products, materials, and personnel on oceans, lakes, rivers, and canals.
    Retaining Walls - (90 companies)
    Retaining walls are used to retain earth, prevent erosion, and create level surfaces in sloping areas.
    Posts, Spacers, and Standoffs - (443 companies)
    Posts, spacers and standoffs are threaded and used in applications where boards, plates, or other items need to be fastened to each other.
    Towers, Masts, and Poles - (272 companies)
    Towers, masts and poles elevate, support and/or position personnel and equipment such as antennas, lighting, surveillance cameras or sensors, wind turbines, weather instruments, and power lines.
    Cable Reels - (229 companies)
    Cable reels are used for storage, unwinding, and winding of conductive cable or lifting cable. Electric cable reels have contacts for maintaining live power during winding.

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