Optical Prisms Suppliers in Switzerland

Optical prisms are blocks of optical material with flat, polished sides that are arranged at precisely controlled angles to one another. They are used in optical systems to deflect or redirect beams of light. They can invert or rotate images, disperse light into component wavelengths, and separate states of polarization. (more)
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Optico AG
Address: Bahnhofstrasse 24, Sevelen, CH-9475 Switzerland
Business Type: Manufacturer


SwissOptic AG
Address: Heinrich-Wild-Strasse Heerbrugg, Au, Sankt Gallen 9435 Switzerland
Business Type: Manufacturer, Service


Victor Kyburz AG
Address: Industriestrasse 15, Safnern, CH-2553 Switzerland
Business Type: Manufacturer


Zünd Precision Optics Ltd.
Address: Prismastrasse 5, Diepoldsau, CH-9444 Switzerland
Business Type: Manufacturer
