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Building Construction Handbook, Sixth Edition

Part 6: Internal Construction and Finishes

Internal Elements

NB. roof coverings, roof insulation and guttering not shown

NB. all work below dpc level is classed as substructure

Internal Walls

Internal Walls Functions

Internal Walls ~ their primary function is to act as a vertical divider of floor space and in so doing form a storey height enclosing element.

Other Possible Functions:

Internal Walls Types

Internal Walls ~ there are two basic design concepts for internal walls those which accept and transmit structural loads to the foundations are called Load Bearing Walls and those which support only their own self-weight and do not accept any structural loads are called Non-load Bearing Walls or Partitions.

Typical Examples ~

Internal Brick Walls

Internal Brick Walls ~ these can be load bearing or non-load bearing (see previous page) and for most two storey buildings are built in half brick thickness in stretcher bond.

Typical Details ~

Internal Block Walls

Internal Block Walls ~ these can be load bearing or non-load bearing (see page 547) the thickness and type of block to be used will depend upon the loadings it has to carry.

Typical Details ~

Internal Brick and Block Walls

Internal Walls ~ an alternative to brick and block bonding shown on the preceding two pages is application of wall profiles. These are quick and simple to install, provide adequate lateral stability, sufficient movement flexibility and will overcome the problem of thermal bridging where a brick partition would otherwise bond into a block inner leaf. They are also useful for attaching extension...


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