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Technical Articles

IntelLiDrives, Inc. has published these technical articles:

(Linear Actuators)
From this Article:
To achieve the highest performance in positioning systems, the entire linear actuator structure must be optimized to result in the highest possible natural frequency, and the entire servo system...
(Linear and Rotary Motion Components)
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The force produced by continuous current (Ic), with linear motor coil is attached to an adequate heatsink as specified. At continuous force motor temperature equal to the maximum temperature rating of...
(Linear and Rotary Motion Components)
From this Article:
Linear Servo Motors are frameless permanent magnet three phase brush-less servo motors. They are, fundamentally, rotary motors that are rolled out flat. In a linear motor, the rotor rolled out to...
(Positioning Stages, Slides and Guides)
From this Article:
A common misconception is that the resolution of the linear actuator must also be its accuracy. For example, if a digital readout displays to four decimal places (0.0001), then it must also be...
(Linear and Rotary Motion Components)
From this Article:
Torque motors are also called "frameless" motors. They don't have housings, bearings, or feedback devices. In this sense the motor is a kit and meant to be part of the machine structure. Torque motors...
(Positioning Stages, Slides and Guides)
From this Article:
Rotary Table Accuracy - Glossary of terms...
(Linear Actuators)
From this Article:
A common misconception is that the resolution of the linear actuator must also be its accuracy. For example, if a digital readout displays to four decimal places (0.0001), then it must also be...
(Linear Actuators)
From this Article:
Linear Servo Motors are frameless permanent magnet three phase brush-less servo motors. They are, fundamentally, rotary motors that are rolled out flat. In a linear motor, the rotor rolled out to...
(Positioning Stages, Slides and Guides)
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The smallest achievable positioning increment that can be achieved by the motion control system...
(Positioning Stages, Slides and Guides)
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Effectively automating any industrial operation, test procedure, or prototype process involving motion requires determining the movement precision needed to yield acceptable results....
(Motor Controls and Drives)
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System builders look for software that is both easy to use and powerful; a software that can handle both simple tasks quickly while having the "depth" to be used for more complex scenarios. Usually...
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For example, in "teach" mode linear stepper motor was "taught" a number of predefined positions along the platen. In automatic mode, while making sequence of moves, user will be concerned about forcer...
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IntelLiDrives linear stepping motor linear actuator is essentially rotary stepper motor "unwrapped" to operate in straight line. Linear motor operates on electromagnetic principle and consists of...
(Motor Controls and Drives)
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To remedy this instability, derivative action is required. Because the D term differentiates the position error which changes fast in case of instability it helps suppress the large changes by...
From this Article:
Servo motors have the ability to create torque in a linearly predictable fashion and it makes them attractive for use in closed loop systems. Despite the wealth of theoretical material regarding...